US and World Edition: SUNY Press (Publication date: Hardcover: 2022; Paperback: 2023).
South Asian Edition: Permanent Black (Publication date: 2022).
Select Essays/Articles:
'Notes from a Roman Holiday," The American Historical Review (Forthcoming 2025).
‘Savarkar did not consider Hindutva as the equivalent of Hinduism’, The Hindu (June 29, 2023).
‘University Campuses Will Be a Tool in the Hands of Hindu Nationalists’, co-authored with Mark Levine, Jacobin, (March 31, 2023).
"The Hindu Right and Attacks on Academic Freedom in the US," The Nation (December 1, 2021).
"Vinayak & Me: Hindutva and the Politics of Naming," Social History (2003).
"Would V.D. Savarkar have condoned plagiarism?" Scroll.in (February 24, 2022).
"Beyond the Usual Debate, There is Also the All-Too-Human Savarkar," The Wire (February 12, 2022).
"Reading Savarkar: Was the Hindutva icon actually Hinduphobic?" Scroll.in (September 6, 2021).
"Theorist in Exile," New Left Review/Sidecar, (April 29, 2022).
"You’ve Been Swatted,” The Hindu (November 8, 2020).