

August: Congratulations to Remy for having your paper published in Cell Reports!

June: Congratulations to Xing and the entire Dai lab for starting our NIGMS/NIH R35 funding!

May: Congratulations to Remy for graduating wither M.S. in Biomedical sciences!

March: Congratulations to Morgan/Peng and Lupe for having your papers published in JID and Scientific Reports!

January: Congratulations to Yingying for having your paper published in Cell Reports!


December: Congratulations to Peng and Melissa for their publications in J Mammary Gland Biol Neoplasia.


December: Congratulations to Lupe for starting your new position at SeaGen!

September: Congratulations to Peng for having your paper published to JID!

Congratulations to Lupe and Peng for having their co-author paper with the Kessenbrock lab accepted to Cell Reports!

August: Congratulations to Lupe for having his co-author paper with the Atwood lab accepted to Nature Communications!

July: We welcome Johnny Le as a MD/PhD rotation student!

June: Congratulations to Lupe for being selected as NSF-Simons Center Fellow!

March: Congratulations to Remy who has been chosen as a 2020 National Science Foundation Graduate Research fellow!

Congratulations to Daniel on having his second first author paper published in Cell Reports! A congratulations is also in order for Morgan and Remy  for making this work possible and features as co-authors!

February: Congratulations to Lupe who has been selected to continue the application process as a semi-finalist for the Department of Defense SMART scholarship program!


December: Congratulations to Melissa McNeil for finishing her M.S. degree!

The Dai Lab welcomes Zeyu (Jerry) Chen to the lab as a graduate student!

October: Congratulations to Morgan Dragan who has been selected as an ARCS Foundation Scholar!

September: The Dai Lab welcomed Jun Jiang as a visiting scholar!

August: Congratulations to Morgan Dragan and Remy Vu for being awarded the NSF-Simons Graduate Student Fellowship!

Congratulations to Morgan Dragan on being awarded the Immunology T-32 training grant!

July: The Dai Lab welcomes Remy Vu as our new PhD student after passing their end of year preliminary exams!

The Dai Lab welcomes Fusheng Zhou as a visiting scholar!

May: Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Haensel, who successfully defended his thesis! Good luck at Stanford!

March: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel who gave a wonderful talk and won an award for the best poster at the CMCF Early-Career Researcher Symposium!

Dr. Dai and Daniel Haensel attended the Multiscale Modeling Consortium Meeting at the NIH.

January: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel and Lupe Gutierrez for having your review “Intermediate cell states in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition” published in Phsyical Biology! This is Daniel’s 6th publication and Lupe’s first publication in the Dai Lab! Way to start the new year off strong!


November: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel, Peng Sun, and Xianghui Ma for having your paper “An Ovol2-Zeb1 transcriptional circuit regulates epithelial directional migration and proliferation” published in EMBO Reports!

September: We welcome Remy Vu as a rotation student for the Fall quarter!

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Dr. Xing Dai, Dr. Qing Nie, and Dr. Maksim Plikus at UC Irvine a five-year, $3.3 million grant to study wound healing! More information can be found here.

July: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel for being awarded the NSF-Simons Graduate Student Fellowship!

June: The Dai Lab welcomes Morgan Dragan and Guadalupe Gutierrez as new PhD student after passing their end of year preliminary exams!

May: The National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with the Simons center has funded new opportunities for research at UCI!

Daniel Haensel attended the International Investigative Dermatology meeting in Orlando, Florida.

April: The Dai lab welcomes Lupe Gutierrez as a rotation student for the spring quarter.

March: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel and Dr. Briana Lee for having your paper “Multiscale modeling of layer formation in the epidermis” published in PLOS Computational Biology.

January: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel and Melissa McNeil for having your methods paper “Ex Vivo Imaging and Genetic Manipulation of Mouse Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells” published in Springer Protocols.

January: The Dai lab welcomes Morgan Dragan and Kevin Cabrera as rotation students for the winter quarter.


October: Read Dr. Dai’s commentary “Inflammation: Memory beyond immunity” on a recent publication from the Fuchs lab in Nature.

August: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel for having your review “Epithelial-to mesenchymal transition in cutaneous wound healing: Where we are and where we are heading” published in Developmental Dynamics.

August: The Dai lab welcomes Dr. Xianghui Ma as a postdoctoral fellow to the lab.

June: Congratulations to Dr. Alvaro Villareal for successfully defending your thesis!

April: Peng Sun and Daniel Haensel attend the Society of Investigative Dermatology meeting in Portland, OR.

March: The Dai lab welcomes Melissa McNeil as a graduate student to the lab.

February: Congratulations to Dr. Briana Lee, Dr. Kazu Wantanabe, and Daniel Haensel for having your paper “Overexpression of transcription factor Ovol2 in epidermal progenitor cells results in skin blistering” published in JID


October: Dr. Dai is an invited speaker at the Epithelial transitions and cell migration meeting at IRB Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain.

September: The Dai lab welcomes Dr. Yingying Han as a postdoctoral fellow to the lab

August: Dr. Dai and Daniel Haensel both attend the Gordon Research Conference: Tissue Niches & Resident Stem Cells in Adult Epithelia in Hong Kong, China.

June: Congratulations to Daniel Haensel for advancing to candidacy!

June: Dr. Dai, Daniel Haensel, and Alvaro Villareal attended the ISSCR meeting in San Francisco, CA.


July: Congratulations to Alvaro Villareal for advancing to candidacy!

November: Congratulations to Dr. Kazu Watanabe and Alvaro Villareal for having your paper “A Ovol2-Zeb1 mutual inhibitory circuit governs bidirectional and multistep transition between epithelial and mesenchymal states” in PLoS Computational Biology


August:Congratulations to Peng Sun for having your paper “Pygo2 regulates B-catenin-induced activation of hair follicle stem/progenitor cells and skin hyperplasia” in PNAS

March: Congratulations to Dr. Parama Dey for being appointed to the California Institute of Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) training grant

March: Congratulations to Dr. Briana Lee for having your paper “Transcriptional mechanisms link epithelial plasticity to adhesion and differentiation of of epidermal progenitor cells” in Developmental Cell

March: Congratulations to Dr. Kazu Watanabe for having your paper “Mammary morphogenesis and regeneration require the inhibition of EMT at terminal end buds by Ovol2 transcriptional repressor” in Developmental Cell

March: Congratulations to Dr. Kazu Watanabe for having your paper “Integrative ChIP-seq/microarray analysis identifies a CTNNB1 target signature enriched in intestinal stem cells and colon cancer” in PLoS One



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