Join Our Team

Undergraduate Students

Thank you for your interest in joining the Culture, Relationships, and Health lab. Bright and dedicated research assistants are critical to successful research. Research assistants participate in all aspects of on-going research projects (e.g., reading relevant literature, participant recruitment, data collection, data coding, data entry, statistical analysis, and data interpretation) and learn a variety of methodologies commonly used in the lab. Research Assistants must commit 8-12 hours per week for at least 2 consecutive quarters. Current UCI students can receive course credit via Chicano/Latino Studies 199 units.

What qualities make for an excellent research assistant? A strong motivation to learn about research and good organizational skills are the most important qualities. Other important skills include: being highly responsible, dependable, enthusiastic, and emotionally mature; good verbal and written communication skills; paying close attention to detail; the ability to work well with others in the lab and interact with participants who take part in our studies in a warm and professional manner.

The requirements for applying to become an RA are at least a 3.0 GPA or earning an A in a class with Dr. Campos. If you meet these requirements and would like to be considered for an RA position, please complete the Research Assistant Application. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Students whose research interests and academic records are a good fit for the lab will be contacted to interview with study leads as positions become available.

Graduate Students

If you are interested in working with Dr. Campos, please contact her directly.