Professor Emerita, Department of Psychological Science
University of California, Irvine
Ph.D. The University of Chicago
Department: Psychological Science
Linda J. Levine, Ph.D. – Professor Emerita of Psychological Science and Fellow of the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory at the University of California, Irvine. Professor Levine received a Master’s degree from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education and a Ph.D. in psychology from The University of Chicago. Her research examines the effects of emotions on memory, people’s ability to predict how they will feel in the future and remember how they felt in the past, how biases in predicted and remembered emotion influence people’s decisions, and the strategies that children and adults use to regulate emotion.
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
- Lench, H. C., Fernandez, L., Reed, N., Raibley, E., Levine, L. J., & Salsedo, K. (2024). Voter emotional responses and voting behaviour in the 2020 US presidential election. Cognition and Emotion, 1–14.
- Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Levine, L. J., Grady, R. H., & Greene, C. M. (2023). Weak correlations among 13 episodic memory tasks related to the same public event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(5), 1045-1058..
- Garry, M., Zajac, R., Hope, L., Salathé, M., Levine, L., & Merritt, T.A. (2023). Hits and misses: Digital contact tracing in a pandemic. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
- Greene, C. M., Levine, L. J., Loftus, E. F., & Murphy, G. (2023). Just as I expected? Hindsight bias for the outcome of a national referendum is moderated by outcome valence and surprise. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37(5), 1016-1026.
- Choi, M., Karnaze, M. M., Lench, H. C., & Levine, L. J. (2023). Do liberals value emotion more than conservatives? Political partisanship and Lay beliefs about the functionality of emotion. Motivation and Emotion, 47 (3), 364-380.
- Carlson, S. J., Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Flynn, E., Winks, K. M. H., & Winckler, B. E. (2023). Using emotion to guide decisions: The accuracy and perceived value of emotional intensity forecasts. Motivation & Emotion.
- Hofstein Grady, R., Ditto, P. H., Loftus, E. F., Levine, L. J., Greenspan, R. L., & Relihan, D. P. (2023). From primary to presidency: Fake news, false memory, and changing attitudes in the 2016 election. Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
- Moore, M. M., Martin, E. A., & Levine, L. J. (2022). Memory theories and research from the perspective of language and emotion Language and Emotion: An International Handbook. De Gruyter Mouton, Berlin, Germany.
- Kaiser, K. A., Lench, H. C., & Levine, L. J. (2022). Medical residency match applicants undervalue factors that predict stress and burnout. Medical Education Online, 27(1), 2109243.
- Levine, L. J., Murphy, G., Lench, H. C., Greene, C. M., Loftus, E. F., Tinti, C., Schmidt, S. Muzzulini, B. Hofstein Grady, R., Stark, S. M., Stark, C. E. L. (2021). Remembering facts versus feelings in the wake of political events. Cognition and Emotion, 35:5, 936-955.
- Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., Dang, V., Kaiser, K. A., Carpenter, Z., Carlson, S. J., Flynn, E., Perez, K. A., & Winckler, B. (2021). Optimistic expectations have benefits for effort and emotion with little cost. Emotion, 21, 1213–1223.
- Urban, E. J., Charles, S. T., & L. J. Levine (2021). Modifying the Trier Social Stress Test to induce positive affect. Affective Science, 2(4), 427-437.
- Schmidt, S., Muzzulini, B., Levine, L. J., & Tinti, C. (2021). Sources of bias in memory for emotional reactions to Brexit: Current feelings mediate the link between appraisals and memories. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 35, 819–827.
- Carlson, S. J., Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Flynn, E., Carpenter, Z. K., Perez, K. A., & Bench, S. W. (2021). You shall go forth with joy: Religion and aspirational judgments about emotion. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
- Marshburn, C. K., Cochran, K. J., Flynn, E., & Levine, L. J. (2020). Workplace anger costs women irrespective of race. Frontiers in Psychology: Personality and Social Psychology, 11, 3064.
- Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Hofstein Grady, R., Levine, L. J., & Greene, C. M. (2020). Misremembering motives: The unreliability of voters’ memories of the reasons for their vote. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
- Murphy, G., Loftus, E., Hofstein Grady, R., Levine, L. J., & Greene, C. M. (2020). Fool me twice: How effective is debriefing in false memory studies? Memory.
- Karnaze, M. M., & Levine, L. J. (2020). Lay theories about whether emotion helps or hinders: Assessment and effects on emotional acceptance and recovery from distress. Frontiers in Psychology: Emotion Science. [link]
- Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Stark, C. E., Carlson, S. J., Carpenter, Z., Perez, K. A., Stark, S., & Frithsen, A. (2019). Predicted and remembered emotion: Tomorrow’s vividness trumps yesterday’s accuracy. Memory, 28(1), 128-140.[pdf]
- Murphy, G., Loftus, E. F., Grady, R. H., Levine. L. J., & Greene, C. M. (2019). False memories for fake news during Ireland’s abortion referendum. Psychological Science, 30(10), 1449–1459.
- Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., Perez, K., Carpenter, Z., Carlson, S. J., & Bench, S. W. (2019). When and why people misestimate future feelings. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 116(5), 724-742.
- Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., Perez, K., Haggenmiller, Z. K., Carlson, S. J., & Tibbett, T. (2019). Changes in subjective well-being following the U.S. Presidential Election of 2016. Emotion, 19(1), 1-9.
- Charles, S. T. & Levine, L. J. (2019). Managing emotions across adulthood. M. Cole & T. Hollenstein (Eds.), Emotion Regulation: A Matter of Time. Routledge.
- Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Karnaze, M. L., & Carlson, S. J. (2018). Bias in predicted and remembered emotion. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 19, 73-77. [pdf]
- Karnaze, M. M., & Levine, L. J. (2018). Sadness, the architect of cognitive change. In H. C. Lench (Ed.) Functions of emotion: When and why emotions help us. New York: Springer.
- Hovasapian, A., & Levine, L. J. (2018). Keeping the magic alive: Social sharing of positive life experiences sustains happiness. Cognition and Emotion, 32(8), 1559-1570.
- Dickerson, K., Flynn, E., Levine, L., & Quas, J. (2018). Are emotions controllable? Maltreated and non-maltreated children’s implicit beliefs about emotions and aggressive tendencies. Child Abuse & Neglect, 77, 222-231. [pdf]
- Milojevich, H., Levine, L. J., Cathcart, E., & Quas, J. (2018). The role of maltreatment in the development of coping strategies. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 54, 23-32.
- Karnaze, M. M., & Levine, L. J. (2017). Data versus Spock: Lay theories about whether emotion helps or hinders. Cognition and Emotion, 32(3), 549-565. [pdf]
- Karnaze, M. M., Levine, L.J., & Schneider, M. (2017). Misremembering past affect predicts adolescents’ future affective experience during exercise. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 88, 316-328. [pdf]
- Van Damme, I., Kaplan, R. L., Levine, L. J., & Loftus, E. L. (2017). Emotion and false memory: How goal-irrelevance can be relevant for what people remember. Memory, 25, 201-213. [pdf]
- Kaplan, R. L., Van Damme, I., Levine, L. J., & Loftus, E. L. (2016). Emotion and false memory. Emotion Review, 8, 8-13. [pdf]
- Kaplan, R. L., Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., & Safer, M. A. (2016). Forgetting feelings: Opposite biases in reports of the intensity of past emotion and mood. Emotion, 16(3), 309-319. [pdf]
- Hovasapian, A., & Levine, L. J. (2016). Reappraisal mitigates overestimation of remembered pain in anxious individuals. Cognition and Emotion, 30, 1222-31. [pdf]
- Tinti, C., Schmidt, S., Testa, S., & Levine, L. J. (2014). Distinct processes shape flashbulb and event memories. Memory & Cognition, 42, 539-551. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Kaplan, R. L., & Safer, M. A. (2013). Like Schrödinger’s cat, the impact bias is both dead and alive: Reply to Wilson and Gilbert (2013). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 105, 749-756. [pdf]
- Davis, E. L., & Levine, L. J. (2013). Emotion regulation strategies that promote learning: Reappraisal enhances children’s memory for educational information. Child Development, 84, 361-74. [pdf]
- Lench, H. C., Levine, L. J., & Whalen, C. K. (2013). Exasperating or exceptional? Parents’ interpretations of their child’s ADHD behavior. Journal of Attention Disorders,17, 141-151. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Kaplan, R. L., & Davis, E. (2013). How kids keep their cool: Young children’s use of cognitive strategies to regulate emotion (pp. 3-9). In D. Hermans, B. Mesquita, & B. Rimé (Eds.), Changing Emotions, Hove, East-Sussex: Psychology Press.
- Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., Kaplan, R. L., & Safer, M. A. (2012). Accuracy and artifact: Reexamining the intensity bias in affective forecasting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 103, 584-605. [pdf] Meta-analysis data. [excel]
- Levine, L. J., Schmidt, S., Kang, H. S., & Tinti, C. (2012). Remembering the silver lining: Reappraisal and positive bias in memory for emotion. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 871-84. [pdf]
- Kaplan, R. L., Van Damme, I., & Levine, L. J. (2012). Motivation matters: Differing effects of pre-goal and post-goal emotions on attention and memory. Frontiers in Emotion Science, 3: 404. [pdf]
- Lench, H. C., Safer, M. A., & Levine, L. J. (2011). Focalism and the underestimation of future emotion: When it’s worse than imagined. Emotion, 11, 278-85. [pdf]
- Lench, H. C., & Levine, L. J. (2010). Motivational biases in memory for emotions. Cognition and Emotion, 24,401-418. [pdf]
- Schmidt, S., Tinti, C., Levine, L., & Testa, S. (2010). Appraisals, emotions and emotion regulation: An integrative approach. Motivation and Emotion, 34, 63–72. [pdf]
- Davis, E. L., Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., & Quas, J. A. (2010). Metacognitive emotion regulation: Children’s awareness that changing thoughts and goals can alleviate negative emotions. Emotion, 10, 498-510. [pdf]
- Babb, K. A., Levine, L. J., & Arseneault, J. M. (2010). Shifting gears: Coping flexibility in children with and without ADHD. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34, 10-23. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., & Edelstein, R. S. (2009). Emotion and memory narrowing: A review and goal relevance approach. Cognition and Emotion, 23, 833-875.[pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Lench, H. C., & Safer, M. A. (2009). Functions of remembering and misremembering emotion.Applied Cognitive Psychology, 23, 1059-1075.[pdf]
- Lench, H. C., & Levine, L. J. (2008). Goals and responses to failure: Knowing when to hold them and when to fold them. Motivation and Emotion, 32, 127-140.[pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Burgess, S., & Laney, C. (2008). Effects of discrete emotions on young children’s suggestibility.Developmental Psychology, 44, 681-694. [pdf]
- Davis, E., Quas, J. A., & Levine, L. J. (2008). Children’s memory for stressful events: Exploring the role of discrete emotions. M. Howe, D. Cicchetti, & G. Goodman (Eds.), Stress, trauma, and children’s memory development: Neurobiological, cognitive, clinical, and legal perspectives (pp. 236-264). Oxford University Press. [pdf]
- Rice, J. A., Levine, L. J., & Pizarro, D. A. (2007). “Just stop thinking about it”: Effects of emotional disengagement on children’s memory for educational material. Emotion, 7, 812-23. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., & Pizarro, D. A. (2006). Emotional valence, discrete emotions, and memory. In B. Uttl, N. Ohta, & A. L. Siegenthaler, (Eds.). Memory and emotion: Interdisciplinary perspectives. Blackwell Publishing. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Safer, M. A., & Lench, H. C. (2006). Remembering and misremembering emotions. In L. J. Sanna and E. C. Chang (Eds.). Judgments over time: The interplay of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (pp. 271-290). New York: Oxford University Press. [pdf]
- Lench, H. C., & Levine, L. J. (2005). Effects of fear on risk and control judgments and memory: Implications for health promotion messages. Cognition and Emotion, 19, 1049-1069. [pdf]
- Pechmann, C., Levine, L., Loughlin, S., & Leslie, F. (2005). Impulsive and self-conscious: Adolescents’ vulnerability to advertising and promotion. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 24, 202-221. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Whalen, C. K., Jamner, L. D., & Henker, B. (2005). Looking Back on September 11, 2001: Appraised Impact and Memory for Emotions in Adolescents and Adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 20,497-523. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., & Pizarro, D. A. (2004). Emotion and memory research: A grumpy overview. Social Cognition, 22,530-554. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., & Bluck, S. (2004). Painting with broad strokes: Happiness and the malleability of event memory.Cognition and Emotion, 18, 559-574. [pdf]
- Whalen, C. K., Henker, B., King, P., Jamner, L. D., & Levine, L. J. (2004). Adolescents react to the events of September 11, 2001: Focused versus ambient impact. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32, 1-11. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., & Bluck, S. (2004). How emotions fade: Valence, appraisals and the emotional impact of remembered events. Advances in Psychological Research. Hauppage, New York: Nova Science.
- Levine, L. J., & Safer, M. A. (2002). Sources of bias in memory for emotions. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 169-173. [pdf]
- Safer, M. A., Levine, L. J., & Drapalski, A. (2002). Distortion in memory for emotions: The contributions of personality and post-event knowledge. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1495-1507. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Prohaska, V., Burgess, S. L., Rice, J. A, & Laulhere, T. (2001). Remembering emotions: The role of current appraisals. Cognition and Emotion, 15, 393-417. [pdf]
- Bluck, S., Levine, L. J., & Laulhere, T. (1999). Autobiographical remembering and hypermnesia: A comparison of older and younger adults. Psychology and Aging, 14, 671-682. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J., Stein, N. L., & Liwag, M. D. (1999). Remembering children’s emotions: Sources of concordance and discordance between parents and children. Developmental Psychology, 35, 790-801. [pdf]
- Stein, N. L., & Levine, L. J. (1999). The early emergence of emotional understanding and appraisal: Implications for theories of development. In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (Eds.), The handbook of cognition and emotion (pp. 383-408). Chicester: Wiley.
- Bluck, S., & Levine, L. J. (1998). Reminiscence as autobiographical memory: A catalyst for reminiscence theory development. Ageing and Society, 18, 185-208. [pdf]
- Levine, L. J. (1997). Reconstructing memory for emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 126,165-177. [pdf]
- Levine, L.J. & Bluck, S. (1997). Experienced and remembered emotional intensity in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 12, 514-523. [pdf]
- Levine, L.J., & Burgess, S.L. (1997). Beyond general arousal: Effects of specific emotions on memory. Social Cognition, 15, 157-181. [pdf]
- Levine, L.J. (1996). The anatomy of disappointment: A naturalistic test of appraisal models of sadness, anger, and hope. Cognition and Emotion, 10, 337-359. [pdf]
- Levine, L.J. (1995). Young children’s understanding of the causes of anger and sadness. Child Development, 66, 697-709. [pdf]
- Stein, N.L., & Levine, L.J. (1990). Making sense out of emotion: The representation and use of goal-structured knowledge. In N.L. Stein, B. Leventhal, & T. Trabasso (Eds.), Psychological and biological approaches to emotion (pp. 45-73). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. [pdf]
- Stein, N.L., & Levine, L.J. (1989). The causal organization of emotional knowledge: A developmental study.Cognition and Emotion, 3, 343-378.
- Stein, N.L., & Levine, L.J. (1987). Thinking about feelings: The development and organization of emotional knowledge. In R.E. Snow & M. Farr (Eds.), Aptitude, learning, and instruction: Vol. 3. Cognition, conation and affect (pp. 165-197). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.