2020           UCHRI Residential Research Group at UCI on “Disciplining Diversity” for “Sikhs in California, Sikh Studies and the UC System.”

2018-19      UC President’s Faculty Research Fellowship for “Insecurities of Expulsion: Afro-Asian Citizenship Formations and Global Uganda.”

2016-17      Academic Senate Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching, UC Merced

2016-17      Outstanding Women Faculty Award, Women’s Programs, Office of Student Life, UC Merced

2016-17     University of California Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) Multi-Campus Faculty Working Group Award. “The Crisis of Diversity within the Multiversity: Rethinking African and Africana Studies at the University of California.”

2015-16     UC Merced Center for the Humanities Faculty Fellowship

2011-12     “Ethnicity in Africa” Dissertation Graduate Fellowship, Center for Afro-American and African Studies, University of Michigan and the Mellon-Sawyer Foundation

2008-10    Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant

2008-10    National Science Foundation SBE Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant

2005-09    Rackham Merit Fellowship (RMF), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor