
Peer-reviewed Articles (Published)

14. Roy A, Nelson TA, Turaga P (2023). “Functional data analysis approach for mapping change in time series: A case study using bicycle ridership patterns”. In Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.

13. Roy A, Casleton E, Fairchild G, Ray W, Stinson B, Duncan A(2022). “Joint segmentation of aerial UAV and LiDAR images using Bayesian Non-Parametric clustering.”. In

12. Roy A, Kar B (2022). “Effect of social vulnerability on taxi trip times during hurricane Sandy”. In Transport Findings.

11. Nelson TA, Ferster CJ, Roy A & Winters M (2022).“Bicycle streetscapes: a data driven approach to mapping streets based on bicycle usage”. In International Journal of Sustainable Transportation,

10. Roy, A, Law M (2022). “Examining spatial disparities in electric vehicle charging station placements using machine learning”. In Sustainable Cities & Society.

9. Roy, A, Fuller D, Nelson TA and Kedron P (2022). “Assessing the role of geographic context in transportation mode detection from GPS data”. In Journal of Transport Geography.

8. Roy A, Kar B. (2022). “A multicriteria decision analysis framework to measure equitable healthcare access during COVID-19”, In Journal of Transport and Health.

7. Law M, Roy A. (2021). “A geospatial data fusion framework to quantify variations in electric vehicle charging demand”, In Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARIC’21).

6. Nelson TA, Roy A, Ferster CJ, Fischer J, Brum-Bastos VDB, Winters M and Laberee K. (2021). “Generalized Model for Mapping Bicycle Ridership with Crowdsourced Data”, In Transportation Research Board Part C: Emerging Technologies (2021). 

5.  Roy A , Kar B. (2020). “Characterizing the Spread of COVID-19 from Human Mobility Patterns and SocioDemographic Indicators”, In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARIC’20). 

4.  Roy A, Fuller D, Stanley K, Nelson TA. (2020). “Classifying Transport Mode from Global Positioning Systems and Accelerometer Data: A Machine Learning Approach.” Transport Findings

3.  Roy A,Nelson TA.,Fotheringham AS, Winters M. (2019). “Correcting Bias in Crowdsourced Data to Map Bicycle Ridership of All Bicyclists.” Urban Science 

2.  Roy, A, Fouche E, Rodriguez RA, Moehler G. (2019). “In-Database Geospatial Analytics using Python”, In Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Resilient and Intelligent Cities (ARIC’19). 

1.  Roy, A, Pebesma E. (2017). “A Machine Learning Approach to Demographic Prediction using Geohashes”. Avipsa Roy and Edzer Pebesma. 2017, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 15-20.