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WordPress Updated to 3.3.1

by | Jan 5, 2012 | Announcements

We have just updated to the latest version of WordPress, version 3.3.1 It includes a few new user interface changes and an improved file uploader. (This information and more can be found the WordPress Logo > About WordPress, when logged into you site.)

We have updated our Help Docs to reflect the changes.

Easier Uploading

File Type Detection

WordPress 3.3 has streamlined file upload. Instead of needing to click on a specific icon based on the type of file you are uploading, there is just one. Once your file is uploaded, the appropriate fields will be displayed for entering information based on the file type.

Drag-and-Drop Media Uploader

Adding photos or other files to posts and pages just got easier. Drag files from your desktop and drop them into the uploader. Add one file at a time, or many at once.

Dashboard Design

Flyout Menus

Speed up navigating the dashboard and reduce repetitive clicking with our new flyout submenus. As you hover over each main menu item in your dashboard navigation, the submenus will magically appear, providing single-click access to any dashboard screen.

Screenshot: Admin Header Bar

Header + Admin Bar = Toolbar

To save space and increase efficiency, the admin bar and the old Dashboard header have been combined into one persistent toolbar. Hovering over the toolbar items will reveal submenus when available for quick access.

Change Notifications

Screenshot: Change NotificationsNew Feature Pointers

When new features are added, navigation has moved, or other dashboard changes that might throw you for a loop, WordPress will let you know about it with new feature pointers explaining the change.

Dashboard Welcome

The dashboard home screen will have a Welcome area that displays when a new WordPress site is accessed for the first time, prompting the site owner to complete various setup tasks. Once dismissed, this welcome can be accessed via the dashboard home screen options tab.

Content Tools

Better Co-Editing

Have you ever gone to edit a post after someone else has finished with it, only to get an alert that tells you the other person is still editing the post? From now on, you’ll only get that alert if another person is still on the editing screen — no more time lag.

Widget Improvements

Changing themes often requires widget re-configuration based on the number and position of sidebars. Now if you change back to a previous theme, the widgets will automatically go back to how you had them arranged in that theme. Note: if you’ve added new widgets since the switch, you’ll need to rescue them from the Inactive Widgets area.

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