We have updated Faculty Websites to the latest version, WordPress 4.3.1. Included in the update are some great new features.
Customizer Menus
You can now manage your menus directly from the Customizer. Simply go to Appearance > Customizer and click on the Menus tab. You can create new menus, choose the menu location, and add and remove items from the menu. Since it is in the Customizer, you also get a preview before you save and publish.
New Site Icon Feature
Until now, WordPress did not have a default way of adding a site icon or favicon. This is the small image that appears in tabs to identify a website. It will also be used as an App Icon on mobile devices. This feature is now available in the Customizer under Site Identity. Icons should be square and at least 512 pixels wide and tall.
Formatting Shortcuts
WordPress now includes some markup shortcuts in the editor.
- Using * will start an unordered list.
- Using 1. will start an ordered list.
- Using # will transform into h1 (heading 1), ## for h2, ### for h3, etc.
- Using > will transform into a block-quote.
To see the complete list of shortcuts, click the ? in the editor toolbar.
Comments Off for Pages
Comments turned off on pages – All new pages that you create will have comments turned off. Keep discussions to your blog, right where they’re supposed to happen.