Vida Pourmand and Cameron Wiley present their work on the interplay of psychology, physiology, and culture at ASUCI’s 2023 Reclaim Mental Health Conference.

Vida Pourmand and Cameron Wiley gave a presentation on the interplay of psychology, physiology, and culture as a part of ASUCI’s (Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine) 2023 Reclaim Mental Health Conference on Saturday, May 6th. Their talk embodied the central themes of the CRH lab by discussing how sociocultural context is critical for understanding variations in health outcomes among ethnically minoritized groups, detailing the role of culture in 1) Shaping interpersonal and emotional experiences, 2) Increasing exposure to unique environmental and psychosocial stressors, and 3) Influencing the health benefits of various protective psychological factors.