- Dr. Belinda Campos gives keynote talk at the 2024 TLC Love ConferenceDr. Campos’ talk was part of the keynote session titled “Visions for the future of love research: Developmental, Clinical,…Continue Reading Dr. Belinda Campos gives keynote talk at the 2024 TLC Love Conference
- Kallie Brown is awarded the UCI Graduate Division Completion Fellowship for Fall 2023!The fellowship offers support for those whose research or creative activities were held up as a result of the…Continue Reading Kallie Brown is awarded the UCI Graduate Division Completion Fellowship for Fall 2023!
- Vida Pourmand and Cameron Wiley present their work on the interplay of psychology, physiology, and culture at ASUCI’s 2023 Reclaim Mental Health Conference.Vida Pourmand and Cameron Wiley gave a presentation on the interplay of psychology, physiology, and culture as a part…Continue Reading Vida Pourmand and Cameron Wiley present their work on the interplay of psychology, physiology, and culture at ASUCI’s 2023 Reclaim Mental Health Conference.
- Cameron Wiley receives the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (GDDF) from UC Irvine’s Graduate Division.The GDDF is one of UC Irvine’s most distinguished and is intended to release graduate students from employment obligations…Continue Reading Cameron Wiley receives the Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship (GDDF) from UC Irvine’s Graduate Division.
- Hugo Sanchez Hernandez presents his work on capitalizing and social mobility at the 2023 Society for Affective Science conference.Hugo Sanchez Hernandez presented his work, titled Capitalization Regulation a Consequence of Social Mobility? An Examination of First-Generation College…Continue Reading Hugo Sanchez Hernandez presents his work on capitalizing and social mobility at the 2023 Society for Affective Science conference.
- Vida Pourmand is awarded with a fellowship from the U.S. Department of EducationVida Pourmand is awarded with the GAAN (Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need) fellowship from the U.S. Department…Continue Reading Vida Pourmand is awarded with a fellowship from the U.S. Department of Education
- Esmeralda Garcia is awarded with the 2021 President’s Postdoctoral FellowshipCongratulations to Esmeralda on her selection as a 2021 President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program awardee!! The President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program…Continue Reading Esmeralda Garcia is awarded with the 2021 President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship