Congratulations to Ashmita Kumar on her first scientific publication!
The Neuroimaging Data Model (NIDM) is a series of specifications for describing all aspects of the neuroimaging data lifecycle from raw data to analyses and provenance. NIDM uses community-driven terminologies along with unambiguous data dictionaries within a Resource Description Framework (RDF) document to describe data and metadata for integration and query. Data from different studies, using locally defined variable names, can be retrieved by linking them to higher-order concepts from established ontologies and terminologies. Through these capabilities, NIDM documents are expected to improve reproducibility and facilitate data discovery and reuse. PyNIDM is a Python toolbox supporting the creation, manipulation, and querying of NIDM documents. Using the query tools available in PyNIDM, users are able interrogate datasets to find studies that have collected variables measuring similar phenotypic properties. This, in turn, facilitates the transformation and combination of data across multiple studies.
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