Our Team



Kristen A. Davis

Lead Scientist

Dr. Davis is an associate professor at UC Irvine and a coastal physical oceanographer. As lead scientist, Kristen guides the development and implementation of MACMODS. She works closely with the team to support ongoing efforts and communicates modeling output with stakeholders.


Marcelo Chamecki

Team Scientist

Dr. Chamecki is a professor at UC Los Angeles and an aerobiologist. Marcelo leads the development and implementation of the fine-scale hydrodynamic model that predicts modified flows through macroalgal farms.


Jim McWilliams

Team Scientist

Dr. McWilliams is a professor at UC Los Angeles and an ocean geophysical modeler. Jim leads the integration of the open-source regional ocean model with MACMODS. This is bi-directional in that ROMS  provides ocean conditions at sites of interest as well as receives biogeochemical and drag feedback from both LES and MAG.


Martha Sutula

Team Scientist

Dr. Sutula is head of the biogeochemistry department at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. At MACMODS, Martha leads efforts to link science with management and stakeholders. She also leads the evaluation of environmental benefits and impacts of offshore macroalgal farms.


Raphael Kudela

Team Scientist

Dr. Kudela is a professor at UC Santa Cruz and a biological oceanographer. Raphe leads efforts to develop the modeling of algal photophysiology and light attenuation through macroalgal farms to improve model performance and predictions.


Javier Infante

Industry Partner

Javier Infante is a kelp biologist and macroalgal farmer and the founder of Patagonia Seaweeds, an aquaculture consultancy service. Javier provides MACMODS with real-world perspective and large-scale farm designs and farm practices


Christina Frieder

Team Scientist

Dr. Frieder is a scientist at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) and a marine biologist. Christina contributes to the development and implementation of the macroalgal growth model into the MACMODS framework.


Fayçal Kessouri

Team Scientist

Dr. Kessouri is a senior scientist at the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project and a physical-biogeochemical modeler. Fayçal integrates MACMODS within the regional ocean model and evaluates the environmental benefits and impacts of offshore macroalgal farms, particularly with regards to modified biogeochemical fields.


Daniel Dauhajre

Team Scientist

Dr. Dauhajre is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Los Angeles and a coastal physical modeler. Daniel integrates MACMODS within the regional ocean model and evaluates the effects of farm drag to regional circulation patterns.


Chao Yan

Team Scientist

Dr. Chao is a postdoctoral scholar at UC Los Angeles in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Chao is developing and running the large eddy simulations to evaluate the effect of farms on flow and turbulence at sub-meter scales.


Meredith McPherson

Team Scientist

Meredith McPherson is a graduate student at UC Santa Cruz in Ocean Sciences. Meredith is developing and validating the model of light attenuation through macroagal farms.