Selected Publications


  1. Ogunseitan, O.A. 2005. Microbial Diversity. (Foreword by Lynn Margulis; Cover page citation by E.O. Wilson). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, England.  308 pages. ISBN 0632047089. 
  2. Ogunseitan, O.A. (Editor) 2011.  Green Health.  Sage Publications. 592 pages. ISBN 9781412996884.
  3. Ogunseitan, O.A. 2021. Certification in Public Health. Springer Publishing Company. EISBN 9780826161864; ISBN 13 9780826161857.


  • Ogunseitan OA, Schoenung JM, Saphores JD, Shapiro AA. Science and regulation: The electronics revolution: from e-wonderland to e-wasteland. Science. 2009 Oct 30; 326(5953):6705. PMID: 19900918.
  • Ogunseitan OA. Pollution: US Coal Plans Flout Mercury Convention. Nature. 2017 Aug 30; 548(7669):523. 
  • Ogunseitan OA. The Basel Convention and e-waste: translation of scientific uncertainty to protective policy. Lancet Global Health. 2013 Dec; 1(6): e313-4. PMID: 25104585.
  • Ogunseitan OA. Mercury Safety Reform in the 21st Century: Advancing the New Framework for Toxic Substances Control. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 2017, 59 (4): 4 – 13.
  • Ogunseitan, OA, 2016. Power Failure: The Battered Legacy of Leaded Batteries. Environmental Science & Technology. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.6b03174.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2015. The Asbestos Paradox: Global Gaps in the Translational Science of Disease PreventionBulletin of the World Health Organization. 93:359-360. doi: 10.2471/BLT.14.142307.
  • Ogunseitan OA, Schoenung JM. Human health and ecotoxicological considerations in materials selection for sustainable product development. MRS Bulletin. 2012, 37:356.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. Embracing Global Warmth and Climate Resilience Through Green Chemistry Legislation. Hastings Environmental Law Journal, 2019, Vol. 25, No. 2: 301-318.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2020. The Materials Genome and COVID-19 Pandemic. JOM – The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society. May 6:1-3. doi: 10.1007/s11837-020-04207-3.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2017. Mercury Safety Reform in the 21st Century: Advancing the New Framework for Toxic Substances Control. Environment, 59 (4): 4 – 13.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2015. Russian Roulette with the Rotterdam Convention. JOM – Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials Society. 67 (11): 2747-2748.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2008. Genetic transduction in freshwater ecosystems. Freshwater Biology. 53 (6) 1228 – 1239. 
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2007. Public Health and Environmental Benefits of Adopting Lead-Free Solders. JOM: Journal of Minerals, Metals and Materials. 59(7): 12 – 17.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2006. Soil Proteomics: Extraction and Analysis of Proteins from Soil.  Soil Biology, 8:95-115. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2005. Topophilia and the Quality of Life. Environmental Health Perspectives,113:143-148.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2003. Framing environmental change in Africa: Cross-scale institutional constraints on progressing from rhetoric to action against vulnerability.  Global Environmental Change 13:101-111.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2002. Caffeine inducible enzyme activity in Pseudomonas putida ATCC 700096.  World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18:423-428.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2000. Framing Vulnerability: Global Environmental Assessments and the African Burden of Disease. ENRP Paper 2000-21, John F. Kennedy School of Government. Harvard University.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 2000.  Microbial proteins as biomarkers of ecosystem health.  Pages 207- 222 In Scow, K., G. Fogg, D. Hinton, and M.L. Johnson (Editors) Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Health.  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1998.  Protein method for investigating mercuric reductase gene expression in aquatic environments.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology.  64:695-702.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1998. Extraction of Proteins from Aquatic Environments.  Chapter 4.1.6 In A.D.L. Ackkermans, J.D. van Elsas, and F.J. De Bruijn (Editors) Molecular Microbial Ecology Manual. Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1998. Protein Profile Analysis for Investigating Genetic Functions in Microbial Communities. Chapter 7 In: Cooksey, K. (Editor) Molecular Approaches to the Study of the Ocean. Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1997. Direct extraction of catalytic proteins from natural microbial communities.  Journal of Microbiological Methods. 28:55‑63.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1996. Protein profile variation in cultivated and native freshwater microorganisms exposed to chemical environmental pollutants.  Microbial Ecology. 31:291‑304.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1996. Removal of caffeine in sewage by Pseudomonas putida: Implications for water pollution index.  World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 12: 251‑256.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1995. Bacterial genetic exchange in nature. Science Progress. 78 (3): 183‑204.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1994. Biochemical, Genetic, and Ecological Approaches to Problem Solving During in situ and off‑site Bioremediation. Chapter 7, Pages 171‑192 In: Wise, D.L., and Trantolo, D.J. (Editors) Process Engineering for Pollution Control and Waste Minimization.  Marcel‑Dekker, New York.
  • Ogunseitan, O.A. 1993. Direct extraction of proteins from environmental samples. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 17:273‑281.
