
Visitors & Postdoctoral research fellows

We have openings for motivated, outstanding, organized, and talented visitors and postdoctoral applicants with relevant expertise and knowledge in one or more of the below areas: bioelectronics, sensors, micro/nanotechnology, flexible electronics, micro/nanofabrication, microfluidics, nanoscience, nanomaterials, printing, 3D bioprinting, in-vitro disease modeling, biochemistry, lab on a chip, organ on a chip, analog circuit design, machine learning, etc.

Applicants are expected to have a track record of high quality publications in their field of research. Please email your application to Prof. Esfandyar-Pour, as single PDF file. In your application, the following documents should be included: 1) a cover letter describing your research interests, experiences and goals, 2) a CV containing the full list of your publications and 3) complete information of three references to provide letters of recommendation. Additionally, please include copies of up to three relevant scientific publications in your email.

Prospective graduate students

We have openings for exceptional, hardworking, responsible and motivated graduate student researchers. Please email me 1) your personal statement, 2) your CV, 3) undergraduate (and if applicable, graduate) transcript and 4) a list and description of relevant engineering publications and projects. Applications should be emailed as a single PDF file. Admitted students from other relevant departments (Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Biochemistry, Physics/Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science) are also welcome to apply for the positions. Do not forget to apply through the UCI Electrical Engineering admission website too.

Undergraduate students

We always welcome motivated, hardworking, and talented UCI undergraduate students with passion for research. Students from other relevant departments (i.e. Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Material Science, Biochemistry, Physics, Applied Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science or any other related field of study) are also welcome in our lab. Please email your applications to Prof. Esfandyar-Pour as a single PDF file. You application should contain: 1) a short description of research interests, experiences, and goals, 2) your current transcript, 3) your CV and 4) a list and short description of relevant engineering projects.