Fordjour FK, Abuelreich S, Hong X, Chatterjee E, Lallai V, Ng M, Saftics A, Deng F, Carnel-Amar N, Wakimoto H, Shimizu K, Bautista M, Phu TA, Vu NK, Geiger PC, Raffai RL, Fowler CD, Das S, Christenson LK, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Gould SJ. Exomap1 mouse: a transgenic model for in vivo studies of exosome biology. Extracellular Vesicle, in press. (BioxRiv PMID: 37398219)
Torrens A, Ruiz CM, Martinez MX, Tagne AM, Roy P, Grimes D, Ahmed F, Lallai V, Inshishian V, Bautista M, Chen YC, Huestis MA, Das A, Fowler CD, Mahler SV, Piomelli D. (2023) Nasal accumulation and metabolism of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol following aerosol (‘vaping’) administration in an adolescent rat model. Pharmacol Res.187:106600. PMID: 36481259
Addy N, Fowler CD and Wickham R. (2023) Cholinergic modulation of circuits. In Gilpin (Ed.), Neurocircuitry of Addiction. Elsevier, San Diego, CA.
Dukes A, Bautista M and Fowler CD. (2023) Impact of D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and synthetic “spice” cannabinoids on nicotine use and abuse. In Martin, Patel & Predy (Eds.), Cannabis Use, Neurobiology, Psychology, and Treatment. Elsevier, San Diego, CA.
Lallai V, Manca L, Sherafat Y and Fowler CD. (2022) Effects of Prenatal Nicotine, THC or Co-Exposure on Cognitive Behaviors in Adolescent Male and Female Rats. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, Online ahead of print. PMID: 35090174.
Le Foll B, Piper ME, Fowler CD, Tonstad S, Bierut L, Lu L, Jha P and Hall WD. (2022) Tobacco and Nicotine Use. Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 8(1):19.PMID: 35332148.
Souter EA, Chen, YC, Zell V, Lallai V, Steinkellner T, Conrad WS, Wisden W, Harris K, Fowler CD, and Hnasko TS. (2021) Disruption of VGLUT1 in cholinergic medial habenula projections increases nicotine self-administration. eNeuro, 9(1):ENEURO.0481-21.2021. PMID: 34876472
Sherafat Y, Chen E, Lallai V, Bautista M, Fowler JP, Chen YC, Miwa J and Fowler CD. (2021) Differential Expression Patterns of Lynx Proteins and Involvement of Lynx1 in Prepulse Inhibition. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15:703748. PMID: 34803621
Ruiz CM, Torrens A, Lallai V, Castillo E, Manca L, Martinez MX, Justeson D, Fowler CD, Piomelli D and Mahler SV. (2021) Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Properties of Vaporized THC in Adolescent Male and Female Rats. Psychopharmacology, Online ahead of press. PMID: 34495367
Sanchez II, Nguyen TB, England W, Lim RG, Vu AQ, Miramontes R, Byrne L, Markmiller S, Lau A, Orellana I, Curtis MA, Faull RLM, Yeo GW, Fowler CD, Reidling J, Wild EJ, Spitale RC, and Thompson LM. (2021) Huntington’s disease mice and human brain tissue exhibit increased G3BP1 granules and TDP43 mislocalization. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131(12):e140723.
Hamouda A, Bautista M, Akinola L, Alkhlaif Y, Jackson A, Carper M, Toma W, Garai S, Chen YC, Thakur G, Fowler CD, and Damaj MI. (2021) Potentiation of (α4)2(β2)3, but not (α4)3(β2)2, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors reduces nicotine self-administration and withdrawal symptoms. Neuropharmacology, 190:108568. PMID: 33878302
Lallai V, Manca L and Fowler CD. (2021) E-cigarette vape and lung ACE2 expression: Implications for coronavirus vulnerability. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 86:103656. PMID: 33838329
Sherafat Y, Bautista M and Fowler CD. (2021) Multidimensional intersection of nicotine, gene expression and behavior. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 15:64912. PMID: 33828466
Lallai V, Chen YC, Roybal MM, Kotha ER, Fowler JP, Staben A, Cortez A, and Fowler CD. (2021) Nicotine e-cigarette vapor inhalation and self-administration in a rodent model: Sex- and nicotine delivery-specific effects on metabolism and behavior. Addiction Biology, Online ahead of print. PMID: 33624410
Elayouby KS, Ishikawa M, Dukes AJ, Smith ACW, Lu Q, Fowler CD and Kenny PJ. (2021) α3* Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the habenula-interpeduncular nucleus circuit regulate nicotine intake. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(8):1779-1787. PMID: 33380469
Goldberg LR, Zeid D, Kutlu MG, Cole R, Lallai V, Sebastian A, Albert I, Fowler CD, Parikh V, and Gould TJ. (2021) Paternal nicotine enhances fear memory, reduces nicotine self-administration and alters hippocampal genetic and cholinergic function in subsequent generations. Addiction Biology, e12859. PMID: 31782218
Sherafat Y, Fowler JP, Chen E, Ahmed A, and Fowler CD. (2020) The interpeduncular-hippocampus pathway mediates active stress coping and natural reward. eNeuro, 7(6): ENEURO.0191-20.2020. PMID: 33139320
Eugene A, Lallai V, Fowler JP, Pushkin A, and Fowler CD. (2020) Adolescent cannabinoid and nicotine exposure alter nicotine self-administration in adulthood. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 22(8): 1364-73. PMID: 32396625 *Editor’s Choice in Nicotine and Tobacco Research
Lallai V, Ahmed A, and Fowler CD. (2020) Method for Primary Epithelial Cell Culture from the Rat Choroid Plexus. Bio-Protocol, 10(4): e3532. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.3532.
Gipson CD and Fowler CD. (2020) Nicotinic Receptors Underlying Nicotine Dependence: Evidence from Transgenic Mouse Models. In Shoaib M. & Wallace T. (Eds.), Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience: Behavioral Pharmacology of the Cholinergic System. Switzerland: Springer Nature. In press.
Chen YC, Fowler JP, Wang J, Watson CJW, Sherafat Y, Staben A, Lazarus P, Denton TT, and Fowler CD. (2019) The novel CYP2A6 inhibitor, DLCI-1, decreases nicotine self-administration in mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 372(1): 21-29. PMID: 31628204
Fowler CD. (2019) NeuroEVs: Characterizing extracellular vesicles generated in the neural domain. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(47): 9262-9268. PMID: 31748281.
Fowler CD, Turner JR, and Damaj MI. (2019) Molecular mechanisms associated with nicotine pharmacology and dependence. In Nader M.A. & Hurd Y. (Eds.), Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology. Switzerland: Springer.
Lallai V, Grimes NP, Fowler JP, Sequeira PA, Cartagena P, Limon A, Coutts M, Monuki E, Bunney W, Demuro A, and Fowler CD. (2019) Nicotine acts on cholinergic signaling mechanisms to directly modulate choroid plexus function. eNeuro, 6(2). pii: ENEURO.0051-19.2019. PMID: 31119189.
Pushkin AN, Eugene AJ, Lallai V, Torres-Mendoza A, Fowler JP, Chen E and Fowler CD. (2019) Cannabinoid and nicotine exposure during adolescence induces sex-specific effects on anxiety- and reward-related behaviors during adulthood. PLoS One, 14(1): e0211346. PMID: 30703155
Chen E, Lallai V, Sherafat Y, Grimes NP, Pushkin AN, Fowler JP, Fowler CD (2018) Altered baseline and nicotine-mediated behavioral and cholinergic profiles in ChAT-Cre mouse lines. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(9):2177-2188. PMID: 29371319
Fowler CD, Gipson CD, Kleykamp A, Rupprecht LE, Rees VW, Gould TJ, Oliver J, Bagdas D, Damaj MI, Schmidt HD, Harrell PT, Duncan A, and DeBiasi M, on behalf of the Basic Science Network of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (2018) Basic science and public policy: Informed regulation for nicotine and tobacco products. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 20(7) 789-799.PMID: 29065200 *Awarded ‘2018 Best Paper Award’ from the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT)
Bobadilla AC, Heinsbroek JA, Gipson CD, Griffin WC, Fowler CD, Kenny PJ, Kalivas PW (2017) Corticostriatal plasticity, neuronal ensembles and regulation of drug-seeking behavior. Progress in Brain Research, 235: 93-112. PMID: 29054293
Lallai V and Fowler CD (2017) More than just chillin’: Interactive effects of menthol and nicotine in drug reward. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(12):2283-2284. PMID: 28553838
Tuesta LM, Chen Z, Duncan A, Fowler CD, Ishikawa M, Lee BR, Liu XZ, Lu Q, Cameron M, Hayes MR, Kamenecka TM, Pletcher M, and Kenny PJ (2017) GLP-1 acts on habenula avoidance circuits to control nicotine intake. Nature Neuroscience, 20(5): 708-716. PMID: 28368384
Fowler CD (2017) The habenulo-interpeduncular pathway and nicotine withdrawal. In FS Hall, JW Young & A Der-Avakin (Eds.), Negative affective states and cognitive impairments in nicotine dependence (pp. 192-204). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Ochoa V, Loeffler AJ, Fowler CD. (2015) Emerging role of the cerebrospinal fluid – neuronal interface in neuropathology. Neuro Open J., 2(3): 92-98.
Fowler CD, Tuesta LM and Kenny PJ (2013).Role of α5* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the effects of acute and chronic nicotine treatment on brain reward function in mice Psychopharm., 229(3): 503-13. PMID: 23958943
Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2013) Nicotine aversion: Neurobiological mechanisms and relevance to tobacco dependence vulnerability. Neuropharm., 76 PtB:533-44. PMID: 24055497
Lotfipour S, Leach P, Byun JS, Fowler CD, Murphy NP, Kenny PJ, Gould TJ and Boulter J (2013) Targeted deletion of the mouse a2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit gene Chrna2 potentiates nicotine-modulated behaviors. J Neurosci, 33(18): 7728-41. PMID: 23637165
Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2012) Habenular signaling in nicotine reinforcement. Neurospsychopharm., 37(1): 306-7. PMID: 22157872
Hollander JA, Pham D, Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2012) Hypocretin-1 receptors regulate the reinforcing and reward-enhancing effects of cocaine: pharmacological and behavioral genetics evidence. Front Behav Neurosci., 6:47. PMID: 22837742
Fowler CD, Liu Q, Johnson PM, Marks MJ and Kenny PJ (2011) Habenular a5* nicotinic receptor signaling controls nicotine intake. Nature, 471(7340):597-601. PMID: 21278726
Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2011) Intravenous nicotine self-administration and cue-induced reinstatement in mice: effects of nicotine dose, rate of drug infusion and prior instrumental training. Neuropharm., 61:687-698. PMID: 21640128
Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2011) Utility of genetically modified mice for understanding the neurobiology of substance use disorders. Human Genetics, 131:941-57. PMID: 22190154
Tuesta LM, Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2011) Recent advances in understanding nicotinic receptor signaling mechanisms that regulate drug self-administration behavior. Biochem. Pharmacol., 82:984-995. PMID: 21740894
Schaefer A, Im HI, Veno MT, Fowler CD, Min A, Intrator A, Kjems J, Kenny PJ, O’Carroll D and Greengard P (2010) Argonaute 2 in dopamine 2 receptor-expressing neurons regulate cocaine addiction. J. Exp. Med., 207(9): 1843-51. PMID: 20643829
Fowler CD and Kenny PJ (2008) Subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in addiction, dependence and withdrawal: Evidence from genetically modified mice. Behav. Pharmacol., 19(5-6):461-484. PMID: 18690103
Young EA, Fowler CD, Kidd G, Chang A, Rudick R, Fisher E and Trapp BD (2008) Imaging correlates of decreased axonal Na+/K+ ATPase in chronic multiple sclerosis lesions. Ann. Neurol., 63:428-435. PMID: 18438950
Fowler CD, Liu Y and Wang ZX (2007) Estrogen and adult neurogenesis in the amygdala and hypothalamus. Brain Res. Rev., 57(2):342-351. PMID: 17764748
Fowler CD, Johnson F and Wang ZX (2005) Estrogen regulation of cell proliferation and distribution of estrogen receptor-alpha in the brains of adult female prairie and meadow voles. J. Comp. Neurol., 489(2):166-179. PMID: 15984004
Fowler CD, Freeman ME, and Wang ZX (2003) Newly proliferated cells in the adult male amygdala are affected by gonadal steroid hormones, J. Neurobiol., 57(3):257-269. PMID: 14608662
Fowler CD and Wang ZX (2003) Adult neurogenesis in the mammalian brain: exogenous and endogenous influences. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 49:151-162.
Fowler CD, Liu Y, Ouimet C, and Wang ZX (2002) The effects of social environment on adult neurogenesis in the female prairie vole. J. Neurobiol., 51: 115-128. PMID: 11932953
Liu Y, Fowler CD, Young LJ, Yan Q, Insel TR and Wang ZX (2001) Expression and estrogen regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene and protein in the forebrain of female prairie voles. J. Comp. Neurol., 433:499-514. PMID: 11304714
Liu Y, Fowler CD and Wang ZX (2001) Ontogeny of brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression in the forebrain of prairie and montane voles. Dev. Brain Res., 127:51-61. PMID: 11287064
Liu Y, Curtis JT, Fowler CD, Spencer C, Houpt T, and Wang ZX (2001) Differential expression of vasopressin, oxytocin, and corticotrophin-releasing hormone messenger RNA in the paraventricular nucleus of the prairie vole brain following stress. J. Neuroendo., 13:1059-1065. PMID: 11722702
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