Describing Asian American Well-being and Needs in cancer: Cultural Adaptation Preparation (DAWN-CAP) Study

Project Summary: This study aims to develop a culturally appropriate, evidence-based psychotherapeutic intervention for Asian Americans living with metastatic cancer, to enhance their quality of life.
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Refugee History and Advanced/Metastatic Cancer Experience for Vietnamese Americans Study
Project Summary: This qualitative study aims to understand how Vietnamese Americans with a family refugee background are coping with advanced/metastatic cancer. Prior experiences of stress or facing adversity may relate to how people adjust to current profound life stressors, such as cancer. By better understanding the life contexts of Vietnamese Americans, we can continue to encourage the best directions for culturally appropriate support and foster community resilience.
CLICK HERE for more information on the study
Stress & Coping in Asian Americans with Advanced/Metastatic Cancer Study
Project Summary: The Stress & Coping study aims to understand the stressors experienced by Asian Americans and how they relate to advanced/metastatic cancer patients’ quality of life. We will also examine the relationship between these experiences and the body’s inflammation and antiviral responses. Our findings will be used to inform better care for Asian Americans with advanced/metastatic cancer.
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STress and Resilience measurement for Vietnamese Americans (STaR) Study
Project Summary: This project aims to develop stress and resilience measurement in Vietnamese, to aid in understanding important contributors to health in Vietnamese Americans. Surveys will incorporate the socio-historical and life experiences of Vietnamese Americans, and cognitive interviews will refine measurement development.
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Past Projects
Describing Asian American Well-being and Needs in cancer (DAWN) Study
*continuing analyses

Project Summary: This project seeks to understand the lived experiences and unmet needs of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese Americans living with metastatic solid cancer. We hope this will set the stage for more research with Asian Americans with advanced/metastatic cancer so that all Asian Americans can be better supported.
CLICK HERE for more information on the study
Psychological Well-being and Physiological Responses Study
*continuing analyses
Project Summary: This multi-part study examined psychological and physiological variations in relation to self-reported life adversity, following a randomized online writing intervention, and in response to a laboratory acute stress task (pain induction). A diverse sample of 1,559 adults, including 448 Asian Americans and 930 European Americans, allows for cross-cultural examinations of stress and coping in cross-sectional survey data, and writing intervention follow-up data (>100 Asian Americans and > 200 European Americans).
More information on the study to be added