Want a nice snapshot of the role of microglia in CNS coronavirus infections (in mice)? Then check out our new review, “Microglia influence immune responses and restrict neurologic disease in response to central nervous system infection by a neurotropic murine
Holiday Lab Lunch at Maggiano’s: Daddy’s Treat :)
He wanted to sit with the undergraduates of the lab, and he had a *blast*! Such a proud dad (or grandpa if you consider that the undergraduates are *our* kids, which I do.) And we got our first lab photos
Dominic at the Institute for Immunology Annual Symposium
Another excellent poster by Dom, as expected.
Check Out Our New Group Lab Pictures!
Go to the “Lab Members” section to take a look. I mean, my god, we’re such a beautiful lab… truly, genuinely.
Uplifting! Lane Lab Token Athlete Permitted 2 Hours of Enrichment Time Outside of Lab to Hit Balls on a Patch of Grass
Go Shawn! He’s literally so cool for this.