
Global and International Studies
559 Social Science Tower
Irvine, CA 92697-5100


Research Areas: Global Asias and Orientalism, Critical Refugee Studies and Vietnam, Critical University Studies, Cultural and Media Studies Race, Gender and Sexuality, Histories of Science and Technology

Biography: Long T. Bui is a Professor of Global and International Studies at the University of California, Irvine. His scholarly interests include refugee memory, contemporary Vietnam and Global Asias, higher education, race/gender/sexuality in the media, and the history of technology. He is the author of books such as Returns of War: South Vietnam and Price of Refugee Memory (2018), and Model Machines: A History of the Asian as Automaton (2022), and Viral World: Global Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2024). He has published articles in Journal of Asian American Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Global Society etc. They touch on a range of issues like cyberhacking, film, reality tv, music, graphic novels, currency wars, drag, consumerism, urbanization. Bui has a PhD in Ethnic studies and BAs in Political Science and Asian American Studies. His research has been funded by the UC New Racial Studies grant, UCHRI, the Center for Global California Studies, and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). He is a first-gen college student and scholar.

Service: In the Global and International Studies Department, I am the Graduate Program Director. You can contact me with academic questions about the grad program (logistical ones related to application should go to Jessica Canas-Castenedas).

In the School of Social Sciences, I am Director of a five-week intensive summer program for social science majors who want to learn how to do research, gain leadership and communication skills, and apply to grad school.

Mentoring: If you wish to work with me as an advisor/mentor please email me your interests and why you want to work with me and how exactly my research specifically overlaps with yours. My strong commitment to mentoring and service has been recognized through awards like the Tom Angell Fellowship Faculty Award (Office of Inclusive Excellence), Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Service (Academic Senate), Dr. Joseph L. White Award for Outstanding Mentorship (School of Social Sciences), and the Frances M. Leslie DECADE Mentor Excellence Award (Office of Inclusive Excellence)

Publications and Research


Synopsis: In 1975, the country of South Vietnam fell to communism, marking a stunning conclusion to the Vietnam-American War. Although this former ally of the United States has vanished from the official world map, Long T. Bui maintains that its memory endures for refugees with a strong attachment to this ghost country and who are now found in various global spaces like France, the United States, Iraq/Afghanistan, and (post)socialist Vietnam. Blending ethnography, oral history, archival research, and cultural analysis, Returns of War considers how the legacy of a Cold War-constructed nation that only existed for twenty years is being kept alive by its dispersed stateless exiles. Bui frames the political economy of memory to answer this question: how do refugees continue to lose or profit from their attachments to a lost nation.

Bui, Long T. Returns of War: South Vietnam and the Price of Refugee Memory. NYU Press, 2018

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Synopsis: In the contemporary Western imagination, Asian people are frequently described as automatons, which disavows their humanity. In Model Machines, Long Bui offers the first historical overview of the overlapping racialization of Asians and Asian Americans through their conflation with the robot-machine nexus. He puts forth the concept of the “model machine myth,” which holds specific queries about personhood, citizenship, labor, and rights in the transnational making of Asian/America. The case studies in Model Machines show how Asians are reimagined to be model machines as a product of globalization, racism, and colonialism. Starting from the early nineteenth century, the book ends in the present with the new millennium, where the resurgence of China presages the “rise of the machines” and all the doomsday scenarios this might spell for global humanity at large.

Bui, Long T. Model Machines: A History of the Asian as Automaton. Temple University Press, 2022

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Bui, Long T. Viral World: Global Relations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Routledge, 2024.

Order from any online vendor or Routledge: 30% off code: WQHQC8WKP

Synopsis: This book argues that the catastrophe of COVID-19 provided a momentous time for groups, institutions, and states to reassess their worldviews and relationship to the entire world. Following multiple case studies across dozens of countries throughout the course of the pandemic, this book is a timely contribution to cultural knowledge about the pandemic and the viral politics at the heart of it.

Mapping the various forms of global consciousness and connectivity engendered by the crisis, the book offers the framework of “viral worlding,” defined as viral forms of relationality, becoming, and communication. It demonstrates how worlding or world-making processes accelerated with the novel coronavirus. New emergent forms of being global “went viral” to address conditions of inequality as well as forge possibilities for societal transformation. Considering the tumult wrought by the pandemic, Bui analyzes progressive movements for democracy, abolition, feminism, environmentalism, and socialism against the world-shattering forces of capitalism, authoritarianism, racism, and militarism.

Focusing on ways the pandemic disproportionately impacted marginalized communities, particularly in the Global South, this book juxtaposes the closing of their lifeworlds and social worlds by hegemonic global actors with increased collective demands for freedom, mobility, and justice by vulnerable people. The breadth and depth of the book thus provides students, scholars, and general readers with critical insights to understanding the world(s) of COVID-19 and collective efforts to build better new ones.

Journal Articles and Book Chapters (Click on the following titles for a PDF of the published works)

Global and International Studies

Bui, Long T. “Global Futurities: Articulating the Struggle for (Other)Worldly Justice,” New Global Studies, 235-255.

Global Asias and International Political Economy

Bui, Long T. “East Asia’s Vietnam: Trauma Returns and the Sub-Empire of Memory,Trauma in East Asia. Edited by Jeff Kingston and Tina Burrett. London: Routledge, 2023, pp. 395-407

Bui, Long T. “Asian Roboticism: Connecting Mechanized Labor to the Automation of Work.” Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 19.1-2 (2020): 110-126

Bui, Long T.  “Monetary Orientalism: Currency Wars and the Framing of China as Global Cheater,” Global Society 33:4 (2019): 479-498

Bui, Long T. “Glorientalization: Specters of Asia and Feminized Cyborg Workers in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands,” Meridians: Feminism, Race and Transnationalism 13:1 (2015): 129-156.

Contemporary Vietnam, War, and Post-Socialist Globalization

Bui, Long T. Bui and Ayako Sahara, “Creative Citizen Peacebuilding: Japanese Artists and Audiences Respond to the Vietnam-American War,” Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies 28.2 (2022): 1-25

Bui, Long T. “Heteroglossia of History: Remembering the Republic of Vietnam in Contemporary Vietnamese Film,” Journal of Vietnamese Studies 14:4 (2019): 1-40

Bui, Long T. “Global War Cities: Traces of the Militarized Past in Saigon’s Urbanized Future, Verge: Studies in Global Asias 2.1 (2016): 141-169

Bui, Long T. “Globalization and the Public Cartographies of Vietnam Idol,” positions: east asian critique 20:4 (2012): 886-910

Critical Refugee Studies and History & Memory Studies

Bui, Long T. “Diasporic Im/mobilities: Migrants, Returnees, Deportees, Expats, Tourists and Beyond in the Vietnamese Homeland,” The Intersections of Tourism, Migration, and Exile. Edited by Natalia Bloch (Adams Mickiewicz University) and Kathleen M. Adams, London: Routledge Press, 2023, pp. 60-77

Bui, Long T. “Debts of Memory: Historical Amnesia and Refugee Knowledge,” Journal of Asian American Studies 18:1 (2015): 73-97

Bui, Long T. “The Refugee Repertoire: Scripting the Experience of Displacement, Migration and Survival,” MELUS 41:4 (2016): 112-132

Race and Sexuality Studies

Bui, Long T. “Model/Minority Veteran: The Queer Asian American Challenge to Post-9/11 U.S. Military Culture,Q&A 2.0: Voices from Queer Asian North America. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2021, pp. 257-264

Stevie Ruiz and Long T. “Unearthing Racial Histories of Sexology in the Global South,” Ethnic Studies Review 43:1(2020): 96-112

Bui, Long T. “Breaking into the Closet: Negotiating the Queer Boundaries of Asian American Masculinity and Domesticity,” Culture, Society and Masculinities 6:2(2014): 129-149

Bui, Long T. “Letting Race and Sexuality Talk,” Essays on Brokeback Mountain. Edited by Jim Stacey. McFarland & Company, Inc., 2007, pp. 153-162

Gender and Feminist Media Studies

Bui, Long T. “Refugee Worlding: M.I.A. and the Jumping of Global Borders,” Amerasia Journal 47.1 (2021): 60-72

Strings, Sabrina and Long T. Bui. 2014. “‘She is Not Acting, She Is’: The Conflict between Gender and Racial ‘Realness’,” Journal of Feminist Studies 14(5) (204: 1-15

Bui, Long T. “Sex Hacking: Configuring Chinese Women in the Age of Digital Penetration,” Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology 6 (2014)

Higher Education Studies and Critical University Studies

Bui, Long T. “The Academic-Activist Matrix: Mobilizing Ethnic Studies to Confront the Neoliberal University,” AAPI Nexus 21: 1-2 (2024): 153-170

Bui, Long T. “On the Struggles and Experiences of Southeast Asian American Academics,” Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement 16:1(2021): 1-29

Stevie Ruiz and Long T. Bui. 2021. “Reflections on the Political Attacks against Chicanx and Ethnic Studies.” Aniversarios de Resistance. Edited by Martha D. Escobar, Alicia I. Estrada, and Melisa C. Galvan, La Habana, Cuba: Fondo Editorial Casa de las Americas, 125-132

Bui, Long T. “A Better Life: Asian Americans and the Necropolitics of Higher Education.” Critical Ethnic Studies: A Reader. Edited by Critical Ethnic Studies Collective. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016

Bui, Long T. 2015. “The Beauty of the Beast: Cross-Cultural Centers and Social Justice Work in Times of Educational Turmoil,” Nexus: Complicating Community and the Self. Edited by Edwina Welch et al. San Diego, CA: Cognella Press, 218-226