
We Collaborate!

Neuroscience is a team sport, and we like to play with others! Check out these recent publications with the Tim Allen Lab at FIU, the Michaelides and Richmond Labs at NIH, and the Ostlund and Liljeholm Labs at UCI  

A Productive 2018 So Far!

We have finally begun to see the fruits of our hard work over the last 2.9 years here at UCI. Here are several new papers, congrats to all the authors!! Jessica Bolton & Christina Ruiz et al show effects of early life adversity on cocaine seeking Mitch Farrell et al review how we model cocaine Read More…

Two New Papers in Collaboration with Aston-Jones Lab

Check them out! (Another) review on orexin: James, MH, Mahler, SV, Moorman, DE, & Aston-Jones, G. (in press). A decade of orexin/hypocretin in addiction: Where are we now? Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience. A role for dopamine in prefrontal-accumbens pathway mediation of cocaine relapse: McGlinchy, EM, James, MH, Mahler, SV, Pantazis, C & Aston-Jones (2016). Read More…