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- 2023. William Scarborough, Caitlyn Collins, Liana Christin Landivar, Leah Ruppanner, and Matt L. Huffman. “COVID-19 and the Role of Gender, Earnings, and Telecommuting in Parents’ Employment.” Journal of Marriage and Family 85: 1007-1027.
- 2019. Cavet Aksoy, Christopher Carpenter, Jeff Frank, and Matt L. Huffman. “Gay Glass Ceilings: Sexual Orientation and Workplace Authority in the U.K.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159: 167-180.
- 2018. Leah Ruppanner, Rennie Lee, and Matt L. Huffman. “Do Mothers Benefit from Flexible Work? Cross-National Evidence for Work-Time, Job Quality, and Satisfaction.” International Journal of Sociology 48(2): 170-187.
- 2017. Matt L. Huffman, Joe King, and Malte Reichelt. “Equality for Whom? Organizational Policies and the Gender Gap across the German Earnings Distribution.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review 70(1): 16-41.
- 2017. Joe King, Malte Reichelt, and Matt L. Huffman. “Computerization and Wage Inequality Between and Within German Work Establishments.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 47: 67-77.
- 2015. George Wilson, Vincent Roscigno, and Matt L. Huffman. “Racial Income Inequality and Public Sector Privatization.” Social Problems 62: 163-185.
- 2014. Anja-Kristin Abendroth, Matt L. Huffman, and Judy Treas. “The Parity Penalty in Life Course Perspective: Motherhood and Occupational Status in 13 European Countries.” American Sociological Review 79: 993-1014.
- Winner, 2015 Outstanding Article Award: Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section of the American Sociological Association
- 2014. Leah Ruppanner and Matt L. Huffman. “Blurred Boundaries: Gender and Work-Family Interference in Cross-National Context.” Work & Occupations 41: 210-236.
- 2013. George Wilson, Vincent Roscigno, and Matt L. Huffman. “Public Sector Transformation, Racial Inequality, and Downward Occupational Mobility.” Social Forces 91: 975-1006.
- 2012. Matt L. Huffman (editor). Gender and Race Inequality in Management: Critical Issues, New Evidence. Vol 639 (Jan), The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.
- 2010. Matt L. Huffman, Philip N. Cohen, and Jessica Pearlman. (2010). “Engendering Change: Organizational Dynamics and Workplace Gender Desegregation, 1975–2005.” Administrative Science Quarterly 55: 255-277.
- Winner, 2011 Scott Award for distinguished article from the Organizations, Occupations & Work section of the American Sociological Association.
- 2007. Philip N. Cohen & Matt L. Huffman. “Working for the Woman? Female Managers and the Gender Wage Gap.” American Sociological Review 72: 681-704.
- Winner, 2009 Distinguished Article Award: Sex and Gender Section of the American
Sociological Association - Nominee (top 20, nationally), 2009 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in
Work-Family Research.
- Winner, 2009 Distinguished Article Award: Sex and Gender Section of the American