The 2022-2023 academic school year was marked with new projects, new faces, and new collaborations. The team expanded, with new students from data science, computer science, public health, and medicine. We got a chance to welcome esteemed visitors from near and far who came to speak as part of the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Seminar Series. We celebrated. Science is fun when you’re curious and have colleagues who can share in your passion. Cheers to a splendid summer!

Chuck Perou, Bogi Anderson, Dan Mercola, Hannah Lui Park, Farah Rahmatpanah, Abraham Qavi, Pratik Shah

Roberta Buono, Valter Longo, Al La Spada, Farah Rahmatpanah, Elizabeth Head, Hannah Lui Park, Ed Monuki

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Graduation Dinner 2023