Principal Investigator:
Current research are supported by NSF Grant DMS 2210640, NSF Grant CDS&E-MSS 2401271, and NIH Grant 2R01MD0011728-06
Annie Qu
Chancellor’s Professor
Department of Statistics, UCI
Phone: 949-824-9070
Office: DBH 2212
Current Lab Members:
Hanjia Gao (joint mentoring with Qing Nie, 2024-), Ph.D., UIUC
Postdoc at UCI
Research interests: high-dimensional statistics, dynamic modeling, machine learning, deep neural networks, non-Euclidean data, text data
Cora Ziyi Liang (joint mentoring with Babak Shahbaba, 2024-), Ph.D, USC
Postdoc at UCI
Research interests: data integration, distribution-free inference, uncertainty quantification in machine learning, and multiple testing, conformal prediction
Ph.D. Students
Jenifer Rim
Ph.D. student at UCI
Research interests: Personalized medicine, time-varying random effects model, mobile health data, stress research
Hanwen Henry Ye
Ph.D. student at UCI
Research interests: Dynamic treatment regiem, active learning, reinforcement learning, dynamic topic modeling using clinical notes for children’s mental health
Cadence Pinkerton
Ph.D. student at UCI
Research interests: mobile health data, casual inference, data integration
Spencer Hilligoss
Ph.D. student at UCI
Research interests: Mobile Health Data, Mediation Analysis, Diabetes Research
Past Lab Members
Qi Xu (UCI, 2020-2024)
Current: Postdoc at CMU (Statistics and Data Science)
Thesis title “Individualized learning for crowdsourcing, combination treatments and data integration for heterogeneous data.”
Jiuchen Zhang (UCI, 2020-2024)
Current: Postdoc at U. of Michigan (Biostatistics)
Thesis title “Individualized dynamic latent factor model and inference for multi-resolution data in mobile health.”
Research interests: Dependent tensor method, recommender systems, multi-resolution data, mobile health data
Wenzhuo Zhou (UCI, 2022-2024)
Postdoc at UCI (joint mentoring with Babak Shahbaba, 2022-2024)
Current: Assistant Prof., Dept. of Statistics, UCI
Research Interests: Dynamic Treatment Regimes, Reinforcement Learning, Graphical Neural Network, Personalized Medicine, Dimension Reduction, Survival Analysis and Natural Language Understanding
Postdoc at UCI (joint mentoring with Babak Shahbaba, 2022-2023)
Current: Mathematical Statistician at Office of Biostatistics Research at NIH/NHLBI
Research Interests: Reinforcement Learning, Causal Inference, Functional Data Analysis, Wavelet Methods, Machine Learning, Scientific Computing, Precision Medicine, Neuroimaging
Postdoc at UCI (2020-2022)
Current: Assistant Professor, Statistics Department at Penn State U
Research interests: Network data, hyperlink predictions, active learning, causal inference/mediation, tensor data, interpretable deep learning, optimal transport
Yanqing Zhang
Postdoc at UIUC (2017-2020)
Current: Full Professor at Yunnan U., China
Research interests: Missing data, factor model, differential privacy, dynamic recommender system
Shuying Zhu
Ph.D., UCI (2020-2022) (co-chair with Weining Shen)
Current: Soft Engineer, Meta
Research interests: Recommender system using deep learning, constraint multi-stage dynamic treatment
Current Visiting Scholars
Ruqian Zhang (Ph.D. student), Fudan U., (2024-2025)
Past Visiting Scholars
Xueying Zheng (current: Associate Professor of Fudan U.), Fudan U.
Yang Lv (current: Assistant Professor of Capital U. of Finance and Economics), Fudan U.
Yuexia Zhang (current: Assistant Professor at UT San Antonio), Fudan U.
Diqing Li (current: Assistant Professor of Zhejiang GongShang U), Fudan U.
Yanqing Zhang (current: Full Professor of Yunnan U), Yunnan U.
Kecheng Wei (Ph.D. student), Fudan U. (2022-2023)
Jiming Chen (Ph.D. student), Yunnan U. (2023-2024)
Yijiao Zhang (Ph.D. student), Fudan U. (2023-2024)
Yang Sui (Ph.D. student), Shanghai Economics and Finance U. (2023-2024)
Past UCInspire Undergraduate Students
Kylin Sun (Female, U. of Wisconsin Madison, 2024)
Siyang Liu (Female, Beijing Normal U., 2024)
Xieqing Yu (Female, Cornell U., 2023)
Jiayi Sun (Female, Queen’s U. of Canada, 2023)
Haoqun Cao (Renmin U. of China, 2023)
Chenghao Wen (Southeast U., 2023)
Yuanpeng Li (Jilin U, 2023)
Hanqi Zeng (Female, U. of Toronto, 2022)
Xiaoke Cao (Tsinghua U., 2022)
Geping Chen (Remin U., 2022)
Yuchen Li (Tongji U., 2022)
Yiheng Wei (Female, Xiamen U., 2021)
Doctoral Students
Doctoral students at UCI:
- (2022) Shuying Zhu, Ph.D. (co-chair with Weining Shen). Thesis Title: “Integrative Heterogeneous Learning in Recommender Systems and Individualized Treatment Regimes.” Current position: Soft Engineer, Meta (Facebook)
- (2024) Qi Xu, Ph.D. (NSF and NIH Research Assistant, Simons’ Fellow). Thesis title: “Individualized learning for crowdsourcing, combination treatments and data integration for heterogeneous data.” Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2022; Student Paper Competition Finalist from Nonparametric Statistics Section, ASA, 2023; IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award, 2023; Inaugural Statistics Fellowship Award for Methodology Research, ICS, UCI, 2024.
- (2024) Jiuchen Zhang, Ph.D. (NSF and NIH Research Assistant, Simons’ Fellow). Thesis title “Individualized dynamic latent factor model and inference for multi-resolution data in mobile health.” ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award, 2024; Best paper award for ASA Medical Devices and Diagnostics Section, 2024
- Jenifer Rim, Ph.D student
- Hanwen Henry Ye, Ph.D student (CHOC Research Assistant). ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award and John Van Ryzin Award, 2024; David P. Byar Early Career Award, Biometrics Section of ASA, 2024
- Cadence Pinkerton, Ph.D student
- Xiaoke Cao, Ph.D student
- Spencer Hilligoss, Ph.D student
Doctoral students at UIUC:
- (2011) Peng Wang, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant) (Laha Travel Award, 2011). Thesis: “Mixed-effects modeling and correlation structure selection for high dimensional correlated data.” Current: Associate Professor (tenured), University of Cincinnati, Operation, Business Analytics and Information Systems.
- (2013) Hyunkeun (Ryan) Cho, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant). (Norton Prize Thesis Honorable Mention, Dept. of Statistics, UIUC, 2013.) Thesis: “Model selection for correlated data and moment selection from high-dimensional moment conditions.” First job: Assistant Professor, Western Michigan University, Statistics Department. Current: Associate Professor (tenured), University of Iowa, Dept. of Biostatistics.
- (2014) Xinxin Shu, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant) (Student Paper Competition Award from Computing and Graphics Section, ASA, 2013). Thesis: “Time-varying network estimation and Chinese words segmentation.” First job: Biostatistician, Merck, New Jersey. Current: Senior Data Scientist, eBay.
- (2015) Peibei Shi, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant) (ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award, 2015; Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2015). Thesis: “Weak signal identification and inference in model selection.” Current: Senior Data Scientist, Facebook Research Lab..
- (2016) Xuan Bi, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant) Norton Prize Thesis Award, Dept. of Statistics, UIUC, 2014; Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2016. Thesis: “Dimension reduction and efficient recommender system for large-scale complex data.” First: Postdoc at Yale University, Biostatistics. Current: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Carlson School of Management, U. of Minnesota.
- (2017) Christopher Kinson, Ph.D. (NSF Fellowship, 2012-2016). Thesis: Longitudinal principal components analysis for binary and continuous data. Current: Teaching Associate Professor: University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Dept. of Statistics.
- (2017) Xiwei Tang, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant). Norton Prize Thesis Honorable Mention, Dept. of Statistics, UIUC, 2016. Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2017. Thesis: Individualized learning and integration for multi-modality data. Current: Associated Professor (tenured), University of Virginia, Dept. of Statistics.
- (2017) Xiaolu Zhu, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant). Student Paper Award by ASA Biopharmaceutical, ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, 2016. Thesis: Heteogeneity modeling and longitudinal clustering. Current: Statistician and Data Scientist, Amazon, Seattle.
- (2019) Fei Xue, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant). Norton Prize Thesis Honorable Mention, Dept. of Statistics, UIUC, 2018. Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2018. IMS Hannan Graduate Student Travel Award, 2019. Thesis Title: “Variable selection for high-dimensional complex data.” First: Postdoc: Dept. of Biostatistics, U. of Pennsylvania. Current: Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Purdue University.
- (2020) Yubai Yuan, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant). Student Paper Competition Award from Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, ASA, 2019. Thesis Title: “Approximate likelihood for dependent networks and hyperlink predictions.” First: Postdoc, Dept. of Statistics, University of California Irvine. Current: tenure-track Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Penn State University.
- (2021) Yujia Deng, Ph.D. student (NSF Research Assistant). Student Paper Competition Award from Statistics in Imaging Section, ASA, 2019. Student Poster Award for ASA Statistics Methods in Imaging Conference, 2019. Student Paper Award for ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, 2021. Thesis Title: “Spatial correlation tensor and query-augmented active clustering.” First job: Soft Engineer at Meta (Facebook).
Doctoral students and Postdoc at Oregon State:
- (2005) Guei-Feng (Cindy) Tsai, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant, 2004-2005). Thesis: “Semiparametric marginal and mixed models for longitudinal data.” Current job: Center for Drug Evaluation, Taiwan.
- (2008) Lin Lu, Ph. D. (NSF Research Assistant, 2005 – 2007) (Co-advisor with David Birkes). Thesis: “Unconditional estimating equation approaches for missing data.” Current job: Director of Biostatistics, Nektar Therapeutic.
- (2010) Xianlong Wang, Ph.D. (NSF Research Assistant, 2007 – 2008). Thesis: “Efficient classification for longitudinal data.” First job: Research Scientist, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Current Job: Senior Data Scientist, Adobe.
- Li Wang, Ph.D., Postdoc/Research Associate (supported by NSF), 2006-2007. Current job: Risk Management Consultant, Wells Fargo.