Associate Dean of Research and International Programs, School of Social Ecology
Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy and Political Science
Ph.D. Princeton University
(949) 824-9670
212C Social Ecology I
Urban Planning and Public Policy
Environment, conflict and peacebuilding; transnational threat networks; international ethics
Richard A. Matthew (BA McGill; PhD Princeton) is Professor of International and Environmental Politics in the Schools of Social Ecology and Social Science at the University of California at Irvine, and founding Director of the Center for Unconventional Security Affairs (
He studies (a) the environmental dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding; (b) climate change adaptation in conflict and post-conflict societies; and (c) transnational threat systems. He has done extensive field work in conflict zones in South Asia and East, Central and West Africa.
In addition to his positions at UCI, he is also a Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Sustainable Development in Geneva; a Senior Fellow at the Munk School at the University of Toronto; a senior member of the United Nations Expert Advisory Group on Environment, Conflict and Peacebuilding; and a member of the World Conservation Union’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy. Dr. Matthew has received Certificates of Recognition for his research and service activities from the U.S. Congress, the California State Legislature and the City of Los Angeles. He has over 150 publications including seven books and co-edited volumes.
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