
Nícola Ulibarrí

Associate Professor
Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy
University of California, Irvine
206B Social Ecology I
Irvine, CA 92697

Nícola’s CV

Google Scholar

Nícola Ulibarrí is an interdisciplinary scholar who uses political, social, and technical perspectives to evaluate the sustainability of environmental planning and decision-making practices. She investigates the interaction between people, infrastructure, and the environment, with a focus on redesigning planning, permitting, and operations to meet more diverse social and environmental needs. A multi-generational nuevo mexicana, Dr. Ulibarrí grew up in the Sangre de Cristo mountains of rural northern New Mexico, where the abundance or scarcity of water is a predominant force shaping the culture, economy, and environment. She earned her PhD through the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment & Resources at Stanford University, and spent a year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University. Her professional life has spanned the public and non-profit sectors, including work with the US Department of the Interior (Region IX), the World Bank, and Amigos Bravos, a grassroots river-protection nonprofit in New Mexico.

Current Students

Headshot of Mohammed Bah
Mohammed W. Bah (PhD student)

BA Political Science, University of Rochester

Research Interests: Climate adaptation, environmental policy, environmental Justice, environmental decision-making and governance

Sage Kime (PhD student)

BA Environmental Studies, UCSB; MS Environmental Science  & Management, UCSB

Research interests: Environmental justice, energy transitions, collaborative governance, participatory research

Max McNally (MURP student)

BA History, BA Communications, UCLA

Research interests: Water resources management and policy; water and transboundary conflict; climate change; water and international development; environmental justice

Claudia Valencia Uribe (PhD candidate)

BA Political Science, BS Economics, Cal Poly Pomona; MPP UC Irvine

Research interests: Water governance, drought, nonprofit management, environmental justice

Jie Wang (PhD candidate)

LLB Public Administration, Fudan University; MPA Tsinghua University; MPA University of Washington

Research interests: Collaborative governance, water policy, China

Lab Alumni

Name Degree/Role Years in Group Last known position
Nataly Escobedo Garcia PhD Social Ecology 2018-24 Policy Coordinator, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
Omar Pérez Figueroa PhD Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy 2017-22 Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Marissa Sulieman Kassisieh BA Urban Studies 2021-22 MURP student, UCI
David Han High school intern 2020-21 Undergrad, Princeton University
Gissel Enriquez BA Urban Studies, BS Earth System Science 2016-18 MURP student, CalPoly Pomona
Kevin Tellez BA Urban Studies 2016-17 MA Urban & Public Affairs student, U San Francisco
Cherry Yip MPP 2017 Program Manager, University of Chicago