Contact us

Alejandra Rodriguez Verdugo
321 Steinhaus Hall
Irvine, CA 92697-2525, USA
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
University of California Irvine

Office: 3110 Biological Sciences 3
Lab: 3300 Biological Sciences 3

Twitter: @jandraRV


Join us and help us to enrich our microbial art gallery! Artist: Melissa Martens

If you are interested in joining us please contact us ( We would like to receive a short statement of who you are and why you are interested in joining our group.

Prospective postdocs: We are always looking forward to hear about highly motivated prospective postdocs. We can work with you to find funding opportunities and apply for external funding; please see the funding opportunities in the “Resources” section of this webpage.

Prospective graduate students: Prospective graduate students should apply through the graduate program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. We strongly recommend contacting us before applying to the program to check positions availabilities and fit with the program. The application deadline is typically in December, for a start date the following Fall. It is then important that you plan in advance. Graduate students are encouraged to apply for external fellowships. Please see the fellowship opportunities in the “Resources” section of this webpage. Position for Master’s students are not common and  are usually offered with external funding.

Prospective undergraduate research students: UCI undergraduates can join the lab and get research experience. Please contact for more information.