Wang Research Group

Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanics

Our research interests range across various areas of Sustainable Manufacturing, including sustainable electrified ultrahigh-temperature (up to 3000 K) synthesis and manufacturing of functional nano/bulk materials, ultrahigh-temperature additive manufacturing, as well as wood nanotechnology. Our goal is to design and synthesize novel functional materials for applications in energy, catalysis, and sustainability, and to achieve a fundamental understanding of the high-temperature process using in-situ and in-operando characterizations.

Key Research Areas


The Wang Lab will start recruiting in Fall 2023!
The Wang Research Group joins the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC Irvine. We are recruiting Undergraduate, Master, Ph.D., and Postdoc researchers in our lab. Please send your inquiry or applications to Dr. Wang (
Learn more about our on-going research
Dr. Xizheng Wang discussed her vision to help decarbonize industry with electrified manufacturing and new nanomaterials. Click this link to read more.