This study investigated predictors of preterm birth in a sample of 300 pregnant women in Pakistan. Using a multivariate model, maternal ethnicity and medication use during pregnancy were significantly associated with preterm birth…

Shaikh, K., Premji, S. S., Lalani, S., Forcheh, N., Dosani, A., Yim, I. S., … & Letourneau, N. (2020). Ethnic disparity and exposure to supplements rather than adverse childhood experiences linked to preterm birth in Pakistani women. Journal of Affective Disorders267, 49-56. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.180


Simpatía, a term that captures the tendency to prefer and create social interactions characterized by warmth and emotional positivity while also avoiding conflict and/or overt negativity, is a cultural factor relevant to Latinos. The goal of this article was to develop a scale that measures this cultural value….

Acevedo, A. M., Herrera, C., Shenhav, S., Yim, I. S., & Campos, B. (2020). Measurement of a Latino cultural value: The Simpatía Scale. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. doi:10.1037/cdp0000324


In a study of 215 pregnant women from Kenya, adverse childhood experiences were positively associated with depressive symptoms and perceived stress during pregnancy. This research suggests that childhood adversity may be related to mental health in pregnancy….

Samia, P., Premji, S., Tavangar, F., Yim, I. S., Wanyonyi, S., Merali, M., … & Letourneau, N. (2020). Adverse Childhood Experiences and Changing Levels of Psychosocial Distress Scores Across Pregnancy in Kenyan Women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(10), 3401. doi:10.3390/ijerph17103401


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