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- Zalta, A.K., Vanderboll, K., Dent, A.L., Contreras, I.M., Malek, N., Lascano, X.N., Zellner, K.L., Grandhi, J., Araujo, P.J., Straka, K., Liang, C.Z., Czarny, J.E., Martinez, J., & Burgess, H.J. (2023). Sleep timing, chronotype, and PTSD: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Psychiatry Research, 115061.
- Cenkner, D.P., Burgess, H.J., Huizenga, B., Duval, E.R., Kim, H.M., Phan, K.L., Liberzon, I., Klumpp, H., Abelson, J., Horwitz, A., Mooney, A., Raglan, G.B., Zalta, A.K. (2022). Morning light treatment for traumatic stress: The role of amygdala reactivity study protocol. PLoS ONE, 17(6): e0269502.
- Norrholm, S. D., Zalta, A.K., Zoellner, L., Powers, A., Tull, M., Resit, C., Schnurr, P.P., Weasthers, F., Friedman, M.J. (2021). Does COVID-19 count?: Defining criterion A trauma for diagnosing PTSD during a global crisis. Depression and Anxiety, 38, 882-885.
- Zalta, A.K., Tirone, V., Orlowska, D., Blais, R.K., Lofgreen, A., Klassen, B., Held, P., Stevens, N.R., Adkins, E., Dent, A.L. (2021). Examining moderators of the relationship between social support and self-reported PTSD symptoms: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 147, 33-54.
- Zalta, A.K., Pinkerton, L.M., Valdespino-Hayden, Z., Burgess, H.J., Held, P., Boley, R.A., Karnik, N.S., Pollack, M.H. (2020). Examining insomnia during intensive treatment for veterans with PTSD: Does it improve and does it predict treatment outcomes? Journal of Traumatic Stress, 33, 521-527.
- Zalta, A.K., Bravo, K., Valdespino-Hayden, Z., Pollack, M.H., Burgess, H.J. (2019). A placebo-controlled pilot study of a wearable morning bright light treatment for probable PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 36, 617-624. doi: 10.1002/da.22897
- Zalta, A.K., Held, P., Smith, D.L., Klassen, B.J., Lofgreen, A.M., Normand, P.S., Brennan, M.B., Rydberg, T.S., Boley, R.A., Pollack, M.H., Karnik, N.S. (2018). Evaluating patterns and predictors of symptom change during a three-week intensive outpatient treatment for veterans with PTSD. BMC Psychiatry, 18: 242. PMCID: 6026306
- Zalta, A.K., Tirone, V., Siedjak, J., Boley, R., Vechiu, C., Pollack, M.H., Hobfoll, S.E. (2016). A pilot study of tailored cognitive-behavioral resilience training for trauma survivors with subthreshold distress. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 29, 268-272. PMCID: PMC4899200
Graduate Student Publications
- Wislocki, K., Tran, M-L., Petti, E., Hernandez-Ramos, R., Cenkner, D.P., Bridgwater, M., Naderi, G., Walker, L., & Zalta, A.K. (2023). The past, present, and future of psychotherapy manuals: protocol for a scoping review. JMIR Research Protocols, 12: e47708.