“Building a #COVIDSyllabus: Lessons for the Future of Collaborative Pedagogy” Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal Abstract: In early March 2020, Teaching and Learning Anthropology (TLA) initiated a crowdsourced document entitled “Teaching COVID-19: An Anthropology Syllabus Project.” This essay reflects on
New issue of Teaching and Learning Anthropology
The newest issue of Teaching and Learning Anthropology is now available! Highlights from this issue: Beatriz Reyes-Foster and Aimee DeNoyelles examine the use of photovoice to facilitate concept mastery and help students connect course concepts to lived experiences in an online discussion
Webinar and Resources: Teaching Migration
Teaching and Learning Anthropology hosted a webinar on Teaching Migration with Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, Sarah B. Horton, and Isabella Alexander-Nathani on November 2, 2020. Watch the recording here. Download the webinar teaching resources here.
Roundtable: (Re)writing Anthropology and Raising Our Voices from the Academic Margins
Roundtable at the 2020 AAA virtual conference: “(Re)writing Anthropology and Raising Our Voices from the Academic Margins.” View the recording of our conversation here. Participants: Kimberley McKinson, Edward K. Snajdr, Shonna Trinch, Erica L. Williams, Angela C. Jenks, and Justin
Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed: Syllabus Resources
Bonni Stachowiak and I discuss syllabus resources on her Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.
New Learning Community for Faculty & TAs
The Teaching Together Learning Community is a pilot program designed to promote collaborative teaching between faculty and graduate TAs. It offers targeted teaching support for instructors and TAs of courses with large lectures and discussion-based sections. Follow the link above for more
Using Polling Software in Large Classes
I first used open-ended polling in a class in 2016. It did not go well. Having seen Bonni Stachowiak use sli.do to great effect in a conference presentation, I decided to incorporate polling into the first day of my 300-student Medical
Call for Papers: Teaching and Learning Anthropology
Teaching and Learning Anthropology, a new peer-reviewed, open-access journal, invites submissions for its inaugural issue. For more information, see https://escholarship.org/uc/teachinglearninganthro
Podcasts and Pedagogy
A conversation with Anar Parikh about integrating podcasts and other forms of audio media into anthropological pedagogy: https://culanth.org/fieldsights/1297-podcasts-and-pedagogy-audio-in-the-anthropology-classroom
Anthropology Beyond Indiana Jones
What is Anthropology? Carie Little Hersh and I discuss on her new podcast, Anthropologist on the Street.