Applying to Graduate School in Anthropology (2020)

Teaching Together: A Handbook for Faculty and TAs (2020); Developed with Katie Cox

Teaching COVID-19: An Anthropology Syllabus Project (2020); A crowd-sourced collection of readings, assignments, and other resources for teaching about COVID-19. The syllabus was organized by Teaching and Learning Anthropology.

COVID-19: Responsive Teaching and Learning in Anthropology (2020); Created with Michael Wesch and Nell Koneczyn to accompany a two-part webinar on remote teaching hosted by the AAA

An Inexplicable Disease: Choose Your Own Experiment. Developed with Bryan FitzGerald; This Qualtrics resource adapts a published class activity for use in remote teaching.

Using Polling Software in Large Classes (2018)

Leading a Discussion Section: Suggested Activities for Effective Learning (2016)