Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles – Caregiving
Kim, E.A., Shin, S.S., Lee, JA.* (2024). Relationship between Acculturation and Mental Health in Korean American Family Caregivers of Community Dwelling Persons Living with Dementia. Clinical Nursing Research. (In Press).
Lee, JA.*, Kim, H., Ju, E., Guo, Y., Rousseau, J., Gibbs, L., Tran, T., Tom, C., Sabino-Laughlin, E., & Kehoe, P. (2022), A culturally and linguistically appropriate telephone support intervention for diverse family caregivers of persons with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Nursing, 28(3):231-242. PMID: 35786087 DOI: 10.1177/10748407221106531.
Vu, T., Ju, E., Rousseau, J., Gibbs, L., Saville, N. & Lee, JA.* (2022).The Effectiveness of Language-Specific Personal Care Education on Improving the Knowledge and Skills of Vietnamese-American In-Home Supportive Service Caregivers. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 34(1), 40-46. PMID: 36062875 DOI: 10.1177/10436596221121331.
Le, C & Lee, JA.* (2021). Home Visit Based Mindfulness Intervention for Vietnamese American Dementia Family Caregivers. Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal, 5(4),
Kim, HJ, Kehoe, P., Gibbs, L. & Lee, JA.* (2019). Caregiving Experience of Dementia Among Korean-American Family Caregivers. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 40 (2), 158-165. doi: 10.1080/01612840.2018.1534909. PMID: 30620625.
Nguyen, H., Zagoza, M., Wussler, N., & Lee, JA*. (2020). “I was confused about how to take care of mom because this disease is different everyday”: Vietnamese American caregivers’ understanding of Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 35(2):217-234. PMID: 32112183 DOI: 10.1007/s10823-020-09396-7.
Nguyen, H., Lee, JA*., Sorkin, D., & Gibbs, L. (2019). “Living happily despite having an illness”: Perceptions of healthy aging among Korean American, Vietnamese American, and Latino older adults. Applied Nursing Research, 48:30-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.apnr.2019.04.002. PMID: 31266605.
Lee, JA.,* Nguyen, H., Park, J., Tran, L., Nguyen, T., & Huynh, Y. (2017). Identifying usages of computers and smartphones among Asian American dementia family caregivers for the development of dementia care education. Healthcare Informatics Research. 23(4):338-342. PMID: 29181245
Presentations – Caregiving and Older Adult Health
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings: Podium/Poster Presentations
Lee, JA & HJ Kim (November 16, 2024). Exploring Caregiving Paths Among Racially Diverse Family Caregivers of Older Adults with Dementia. Poster Presentation. GSA. Seattle, WA
Kim, J. & Lee, JA (November 16, 2024). Structural Influences on Why Older Asian Immigrants Provide Care for Spouses with Dementia. Poster Presentation. GSA. Seattle, WA
Lee, JA (November 14, 2024). Advancing Gerontological Health Equity: Innovations and Insights from Hispanic Serving Institutions-Latino Community Engagement Projects for Older Adults led by Latino Nursing Students and Faculty. Symposium Presentation. GSA. Seattle, WA
Oh, KM. & Lee, JA. (November 13, 2024). Digital Health Literacy and Self-Efficacy in Using E-Health Resources Among Caregivers of Individuals with ADRD. Paper Presentation. GSA. Seattle, WA
Lee, JA., Zhang, J., Rahmani, A., Qu, A. (July 31, 2024). Wearable Internet-of-Thing Technology to Measure Sleep of Diverse Caregivers: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. (e-Poster Presentation). Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Philadelphia, USA.
Lee, JA et al. (May 31, 2024). Community Health Worker-led Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Home-Based Intervention for Diverse Dementia Family Caregivers: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. at the inaugural California Academic Geriatrics Institute (CAGI), UCI Sue Auditorium. – Podium Presentation. (Certificate of Appreciation by the abstract review committee).
Lee, JA. (May 24, 2024). Health Equity in Dementia Care in the era of Digital Healthcare at the 20th AAPINA International conference at the Catholic University of Korea. (Invited Oral Speech).
Lee, JA. (April 1, 2024). Recruitment Strategies and Challenges: Latino Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia in a Randomized Controlled Home-Visit Based Intervention Study (e-Poster Presentation). Alzheimer’s Latino, San Diego, CA.
Lee, JA., Kim, E., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Kim, SY, Ngo, V., Morales Poot, E., Ju, E., Kim, J., Jun, A., German, P., & Guo, Y. (March 15, 2024). Mistrust of Service and Cultural Barriers in Dementia Care among Diverse Family Caregivers. Poster presentation. National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurse Association (NCEMNA) Health Policy Summit, CA.
Lee, JA, Kim, J., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Kim, SY., Ju, E., Kim, E. A., Park, JI., Jun, A., & Lee, YS. (2023, December). Community Recruitment of Korean-American Family Caregivers Of Persons With Dementia. Podium Presentation at 20th Global Korean Nurses Foundation Conference, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Lee, JA, Ju, E., Kim, J., Sabino-Laughlin, E., & Hong, S. (2023, November). Higher Stress Among Ethnic Minority Adult-Child Caregivers Compared to Spousal Caregivers in Dementia Care. Podium Presentation at the Gerontological Society of America, Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Cho, KA., Shin, MH, Lee, JA., Baeck, SY., Yang, J., Park SH., & Kim, JS. (2023, November). Perspectives Toward Advance Care Planning in Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Q Methodology Study. Poster Presentation at the session of Aspects of Family Caregiving, Gerontological Society of America, Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Lee, JA, Ju, E., Kim, J., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Jun, A., Bueno, M., Gibbs, L., Shin, S., Rahmani, A., Kim, E.A., & Nyamathi, A. (2023, August). Podium Presentation. Barriers to Dementia Care Access Among Ethnic Minority Family Caregivers with Limited English Proficiency. The 19th Asian American and Pacific Islander Nurses Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA
Oh, K.M, Inoue, M., Koizumi, N., Beran, K., & Lee, JA (2023, August). Poster Presentation. Chronic Health Conditions and Online Medical Records Use in Caregivers of People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. The 19th Asian American and Pacific Islander Nurses Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
*Ju, E., Q, A., Park, J.I., Burton, C., Kim, J. & Lee, JA. (2023, August). Sleep Quality of Persons with Dementia and Family Caregivers in Korean Americans: Wearable Technology to Study the Dyadic Association. Poster Presentation. The 19th Asian American and Pacific Islander Nurses Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA (*mentored PhD student).
*Kim, E.A, Lee, JA., & Lazenby, M. (2023, August). Relationship of Social Isolation and Loneliness to Cognitive Function in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: An Integrative Review. Poster Presentation. The 19th Asian American and Pacific Islander Nurses Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA (*mentored PhD student).
Lee, JA, *Zhang, J., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Ju, E., Rahmani, A., & Qu, A. (July, 2023). Improvements in Heart Rate Variability among Dementia Family Caregivers Receiving a Home-Visit Based Intervention: Preliminary Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Netherland (virtual e-poster presentation). (*mentored PhD student).
Gibbs, L., Rousseau, J, Chiu, L., & Lee, JA, (May, 2023) Accepted for AGS presidential poster presentation. Home blood pressure monitoring feasible among older adults during the pandemic: A digital health pilot study. American Geriatrics Society Conference. Long Beach, CA.
*Le, C, Ju, E., Kim, J., Sabino-Laughlin, E. & Lee, JA, (May, 2023) Poster presentation. Vietnamese-American Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Cultural Orientation on Health Outcomes. American Geriatrics Society Conference. Long Beach, CA. (*mentored medical school student)
Lee, JA., Park, J, Zhang, J., Hossein Aqajari, S., Ju, E., Rahmani, A., & Qu, A. (April, 2023). Podium Presentation. Wearable Internet of Things methodology to measure behavioral intervention outcomes. Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, Arizona
*Ju, E., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Kim, J., Guo, Y., Burton, C, Park, J., Qu A., Gibbs, L. & Lee, JA. (April, 2023). Poster Presentation. Sleep quality of persons with dementia and family caregivers: The lived experiences. Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, Arizona. (*mentored PhD student)
*Fonseca-Tweed, A., Martinez, N. Lee, JA. (April, 2023). Poster Presentation. Improving Advanced Care Planning through Spanish Group Classes for Older Latino Adults. Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, Arizona. (*mentored DNP student)
Lee, JA., Ju, E., Kim, J., & Sabino-Laughlin, E. (2023, March). Poster Presentation. Health Disparity in Dementia Care: Low quality of life and underutilization of Care Services among Ethnic Minority Caregivers. National Coalition of Ethnic Minority Nurses Association (NCEMNA). Health Policy Summit. Los Angeles, CA.
Lee, JA., Ju, E., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Gibbs, L., & Nyamathi, A. (2022, November). Podium Presentation. A community health worker–led home visit intervention to support diverse dementia family caregivers. ESPO and behavioral and social sciences section symposium: Tailoring interventions to reach and meet the diverse needs of diverse caregivers. Gerontological Society of America, Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Lee, JA et al. (2022, July). Accepted for Oral presentation. Culturally and linguistically appropriate home visit intervention for underserved dementia family caregivers: Preliminary results from a randomized controlled trial. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
Ju, E., & Lee, JA et al. (2022, July). Accepted for poster presentation. Sleep association between spousal caregiver and person with dementia having REM sleep behavior disorder: a case study using wearable technology. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
Lee, JA., Ju, E., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Gibbs, L., Rahmani, A., Shin, S., Kehoe, P., Rousseau, J., Nguyen, H., Qu, A., & Nyamathi, A. (2022, April). Impact of Dementia-Related Behaviors on the Health Status of Diverse Family Caregivers. Western Institute of Nursing annual scientific meeting, Portland, OR.
Ju, E., Lee, JA., Burton, C., Pinto, M., Kehoe, P., Guo, Y., Park, J., Gibbs, L., Sabino-Laughlin, E., & Qu, A. (2022, April). Dyadic Sleep Association between persons with dementia and family caregivers. Western Institute of Nursing annual scientific meeting, Portland, OR.
Lee, JA., Aqajari, SAH., Ju, E., Kehoe, P., Gibbs, L., Amir, R., (2021, November). Home-Visit Intervention to Reduce Stress of Underserved Family Caregivers for Persons with Dementia, The Gerontological Society of America, Virtual Scientific Meeting.
Lee, JA.,, Rousseau, J., Saville, N., Sehgal, S., & Gibbs, L. (2021, November). GWEP TAG-TEAM Response: Covid-19 Health Disparities in Orange County, California. Symposium: Building Momentum for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Geriatrics and Gerontology Education. The Gerontological Society of America, Virtual Scientific Meeting.
Lee, JA, Nguyen, Huong., Nguyen, Hannah, Ju, E., Sabino-Laughlin, E., Rousseau, J., & Gibbs, L. (October, 2021). Utilization of Public Services by Dementia Family Caregivers: A Case for Expansion of Services. American Academy of Nursing Health Policy Conference, Washington DC.
Lee, JA., & Gibbs, L. (2021, July). Effect of a home-visit intervention for ethnic minority dementia family caregivers on emotional well-being: use of mindful breathing and compassionate listening. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (In-Person and Virtual Conference), Denver, CO.
Lee, JA., Ju, E., Tom, C. & Tran, T. (2021, July). Telephone support for dementia family caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiential differences in spouse and adult-child caregivers. Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (In-Person and Virtual Conference), Denver, CO.
Lee, JA., Nguyen, H, Rousseau, J., Sorkin, D., Sandoval, C., Ju, E, Kehoe, P., & Gibbs, L. (2021, June). Challenges of Dementia Caregiving Among Immigrant Family Caregivers. Alzheimer’s Association (AA) – Promoting Diverse Perspectives: Addressing Health Disparities related to Alzheimer’s and other Dementias, AA/NIA,Virtual Conference.
Lee, JA., Rousseau, J, Saville, N, & Gibbs, L. (2021, May). Online COVID-19 Education in English, Spanish and Vietnamese for In-Home Supportive Service Caregivers caring for Low-Income Older Adults. American Geriatric Society (AGS), Virtual conference.
Lee, JA., Castro, M., Sandoval, C., Rousseau, J., & Gibbs, L., (2021, April). Nursing Student Home Visitors to Educate Dementia Caregiving in Latino Community. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, Virtual conference.
Lee, JA.,.Park, A. &, Rahmani, A., (2021, April). Sleep Duration and Quality in Dementia Caregivers: Wearable IOT Technology. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, Virtual conference.
Lee, JA., Narvaez, L., Nguyen, M., Gago-Masague, S., Tran, M., Mend, Y., & Amin, A. N., (2021, April). Language Specific M-Health APP to Improve Knowledge of Oral Anticoagulation Therapy. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, Virtual conference.
Lee, JA., Rousseau, J., Fitzpatrick, C., Saville, N., & Gibbs, L (2020, November). Developing Age-Friendly Health Systems in Culturally Diverse Settings. Symposium at the annual meeting of Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Philadelphia, PA. (Virtual conference)
Lee, JA., Kim, HJ, Ju, E., & Kehoe, P. (2020, September). Telephone Dementia Family Caregiver Support Study during COVID-19 Stay-At-Home Order, Council for the advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC.
Lee, JA., Rousseau, J., Saville, N., Brown, B., Nguyen, H., & Gibbs, L., (2020, September). Nursing Student Led Online COVID-19 Education for In-Home Supportive Service Caregivers. Orientation for Innovations in Workforce Education for Family Caregiving Summit, University of California, Davis, Family Caregiving Institute, Sacramento, CA
Nguyen. H & Lee, JA., (2021, November). Research with Older Asian American Family Caregivers Pre- and During the Pandemic: Challenges and Lessons Learned. The Gerontological Society of America, Virtual Scientific Meeting.
Ju, E., Melissa, P., & Lee, JA., (2021, November). Use of Actigraphy on Sleep Outcomes for Dementia Family Caregivers: An Integrative Review, The Gerontological Society of America, Virtual Scientific Meeting.
Gibbs, L. Rousseau, J., Sehgal, S., Saville, N., & Lee, JA. (2021, November). Bridging Digital Divides: GWEP Pivots to Support Telehealth for Clinical Care and Education. Symposium: Adaptive Care and Remote Training: Models of Resilience for GWEP’s During a Pandemic. The Gerontological Society of America, Virtual Scientific Meeting.
Lee, HW., Takeda, A., & Lee, JA. (2021, May). Lessons learned from mental health programs for monolingual older Japanese-American and Korean-American immigrants. American Geriatric Society, Virtual Conference.
Saville, N., *Garcia, C., Rousseau, J., Sehgal S. Gibbs, L. & Lee, JA. (2021, May). The ASSIST Program: Assisting and Supporting Socially Isolated Seniors via Telephone. American Geriatric Society, Virtual Conference.
Ju, E., Lee, JA., Kehoe, P., & Rahmani, A. (2021, April). Effective Sleep Interventions for Community-Dwelling People With Dementia: A Systematic Review. Western Institute of Nursing, Virtual Conference.
Lee, JA.,.Kehoe, P., Gibbs, L., Rahmani, A., Shin, S., Rousseau, J., Nguyen, H., & Nyamathi, A. (2019, November). Visit Intervention to Promote Communication and Well-Being for Dementia Family Caregivers. Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Austin, TX.
Lee, JA.,.Labbaf, S. Rahmani, A., Kehoe, P.& Dutt, N. (2019, July). Wearable Internet-of-Things Technology: An Immigrant Dementia Caregivers Pilot Intervention, Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Lee, JA., Rousseau, J., Kang, K., Diep, H., You, SY., Lee, JW., Le, C., Hong, KJ, Sorkin, D., & Gibbs, L. (2019, April). Community-based dementia care education for underserved Asian Americans. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Lee, JA.,. Hong, KJ., Borelli, J., & Rahmani, A. (2019, April). A culturally sensitive dementia family caregiver pilot study. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, San Diego, CA.
Lee, JA., Kim, HJ., Nguyen, H., Le, K., Sorkin, D., & Gibbs, L. (2019, April). Asian older immigrants’ perceptions on depression, dementia, and elder abuse. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, San Diego, CA. (Best Poster Award)
Lee, JA.,. Milbury, B., Nguyen, T., Kim, J., Rousseau, J., Fitzpatrick, C., Evangelista, L., Guo, Y., Sorkin, D., & Gibbs, L., (2018, April).Training of In-home Supportive Service Caregivers on Older Adult Care. Western Institute of Nursing annual meeting, Spokane, WA.
Lee, JA, Nguyen, H., Park, J., Tran, L., Nguyen, T., Huynh, Y., Sorkin, D., & Gibbs, L., (2018, April). Smartphone APP-Based Education for Asian-American Dementia Family Caregivers, Western Institute of Nursing Spokane, WA.
Lee JA., Nguyen, H., Rousseau J., Gibbs L., Sorkin, D., Zaragoza1, M., & Nyamathi, A. Perceived Experiences and Unmet Needs of Asian American Dementia Family Caregivers. (2017, May). American Geriatric Society (AGS) Conference, Orlando, FL.
Lee, JA., Nguyen, H., Sorkin, D., Rousseau, J., Milbury, B., & Gibbs, L. (2017, May accepted for Presidential Poster Session). The Health Needs of Diverse Patients Being Served by the HRSA Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) in Orange County, California. American Geriatric Society annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
Lee, JA., Nguyen, H., Sorkin, D., Rousseau, J., Milbury, B., & Gibbs, L. (2017, April). Perceptions of health in underserved seniors: a needs assessment. Poster presentation at the 50th annual scientific meeting of Western Institute of Nursing (WIN), Denver, Colorado.
Lee, JA.,. Sorkin, D., Gibbs, L. Yoo, W., & Nguyen, T. (2019, May). Dementia Care for Underserved Asian American Communities in Orange County: A Pilot Education Intervention and Qualitative Needs Assessment. Invited Presentation from UC Irvine Institution for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) for 2019 Translational Science Day conference. Irvine, California.
Mentored Undergraduate Student Presentations
Tom, C., Tran, T., & Lee, JA. (2021, May). Providing Telephone Support to Family Caregivers of People with Dementia during the COVID-19 ‘Stay-At-Home’ Pandemic. UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium. (Virtual Conference).
Hoang, V & Lee, JA. (2020, June). Telephone support study for spouse dementia caregivers during COVID-19 ‘Stay-at-Home’ period. Selected Oral presentation at the UCI Undergraduate Research Spotlight (Virtual conference)
Le, C., Tran, D., Tran T., Hinkle E., & Lee, JA. (2019, May). Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or other Dementia. (Podium Presentation). at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Diep, H., Kang, H. & Lee, JA. (2019, May). Culturally Appropriate and Language Specific Family-Centered Dementia Care Education in Vietnamese and Korean Communities. at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Alvarado, E., Che, J., Chow, C., Dwane, A., Eun, D., Le, K., Yoo, E. , Rousseau, J. & Lee, JA. (2018, May). Dementia Care Education for Underserved Asian American Communities in Orange County. Poster presented at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
Tsai, C. W., Nguyen, T., Kim, J. Zhu, J. Milbury, B., Rousseau, J. & Lee, JA (2017, May). Enhancing the Geriatric Workforce Education Program Cultivating a Culture of Caring for Older Adults: Training of In-Home Supportive Service Workers. Poster presented at the UCI Undergraduate Research Symposium.
UROP Symposium 2021 Presentation
“Providing Telephone Support to Family Caregivers of People with Dementia during the COVID-19 ‘Stay-At-Home’ Pandemic.” (Virtual conference)
UROP Symposium 2020 Presentation
“Telephone support study for spouse dementia caregivers during COVID-19 ‘Stay-at-Home’ period.” (Virtual conference)
UROP Symposium 2019 Presentations
“Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Other Dementias” (Poster)
“Mindfulness-Based Intervention for Family Caregivers of Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease or Other Dementias” (Oral Presentation)
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“Culturally Appropriate and Language Specific Family-Centered Dementia Care Education in Vietnamese- and Korean-American Communities” (Poster)