Maliheh’s collaboration work was published in Molecular Cell

Maliheh’s collaboration with the Adams laboratory at UCSD analyzing the regulation of phosphorylation during pre-mRNA splicing was published in Molecular Cell (Release of SR Proteins from CLK1 by SRPK1: A Symbiotic Kinase System for Phosphorylation Control of Pre-mRNA Splicing).  Here is a link to the paper:…Continue Reading Maliheh’s collaboration work was published in Molecular Cell

Maliheh’s paper was published in RNA Biology

Maliheh’s paper analyzing the functional connection between alternative pre-mRNA splicing and alternative polyadenylation was published in RNA Biology (Coupling between alternative polyadenylation and alternative splicing is limited to terminal introns).  Here is a link to the paper:…Continue Reading Maliheh’s paper was published in RNA Biology