Hossein’s review discussing the combinatorial control of pre-mRNA splicing has been published. We learned a lot – and hope you will as well when reading the review.
Author: khertel
Derrick’s work on splicing fidelity is published
Congrats to Derrick for publishing his work on splicing fidelity. This huge machine rocks.
Congrats to Angela for defending her thesis
We congratulate Angela for successfully defending her thesis.
Congrats to Derrick for defending his thesis
We congratulate Derrick for successfully defending her thesis.
Congrats to Maliheh for defending her thesis and for receiving the 2018 Harris S. Moyed Graduate Student Research Award
We congratulate Maliheh for successfully defending her thesis and for receiving the 2018 Harris S. Moyed Graduate Student Research Award.
Welcome Fatima
We like to welcome our newest member Fatima Javier.
Congrats to Hossein Shenasa and Francisco Carranza
Hossein and Francisco were selected as participants of a 2 week NIH sponsored training program in Genomics. They will travel to NY during the summer. Well done!
Welcome Josh Wang
We welcome CMB rotation student Josh Wang. Josh will use bioinformatics to identify splicing changes in colon cancer.
Welcome Anthony Raus
We welcome CMB rotation student Anthony Raus. Anthony will investigate the connection between colon cancer and pre-mRNA splicing.
HEXEvent has been updated
HEXEvent has been updated to human genome version hg38 (http://hexevent.mmg.uci.edu). Thank you Johannes Ptok and Dr. Anke Busch.