Year: 2015

On Wed Oct 14 at 10:00 am Dr. Tom Lu will present “Early hominin auditory capacities.”

On Wed Oct 14 at 10:00 am Dr. Tom Lu will present: Quam, R., Martinez, I., Rosa, M., Bonmati, A., Lorenzo, C., de Ruiter, D. J., Moggi-Cecci, J., Valverde, M.C., Jarabo, P., Mender, C.G., Thakeray, J.F., Arsuaga, J. L. (2015). Early hominin auditory capacities. Science Advances, 1(8), e1500355–e1500355….Continue Reading On Wed Oct 14 at 10:00 am Dr. Tom Lu will present “Early hominin auditory capacities.”

On Wed Oct 7 at 10:00 am Carol Pham will present: Cherry EC. “Some experiments on the recognition of speech, with one and with two ears.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 25 (1953): 975-979.

Abstract: This paper describes a number 0f objective experiments on recognition concerning particularly the relation between the messages received by the two ears. Rather than use steady tones or clicks (frequency or time-point signals) continuous speech is used, and the results interpreted in the main statistically. Two types of test are reported:( a) the behavior of a listener…Continue Reading On Wed Oct 7 at 10:00 am Carol Pham will present: Cherry EC. “Some experiments on the recognition of speech, with one and with two ears.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 25 (1953): 975-979.

On Wed Sep 30 at 10:00 am Matt Richardson will present Remez et al. (1981) Science paper

RE Remez, PE Rubin, DB Pisoni, TD Carrell Speech perception without traditional speech cues Science 22 May 1981: Vol. 212 no. 4497 pp. 947-949 Abs: A three-tone sinusoidal replica of a naturally produced utterance was identified by listeners, despite the readily apparent unnatural speech quality of the signal. The time-varying properties of these highly artificial acoustic…Continue Reading On Wed Sep 30 at 10:00 am Matt Richardson will present Remez et al. (1981) Science paper

The difference between percent correct and information transferred: a lesson learned from Miller and Nicely 1955

Consider that two stimuli, with each being presented 100 times, produce the following 3 response patterns (rows represent stimuli and column represent responses): 100, o 0,    100 50, 50 50, 50 0,   100 100, 0 The present correct score is 100%, 50% and 0% for response pattern 1, 2 and 3, respectively, but…Continue Reading The difference between percent correct and information transferred: a lesson learned from Miller and Nicely 1955

Fan-Gang Zeng will present the Miller and Nicely (1955) classical paper, which derived information transfer from confusion matrices.

On Wed Sep 23 at 3:00 pm Dr. Fan-Gang Zeng will present: Miller, G. A., & Nicely, P.E. (1955). An Analysis of Perceptual Confusions Among Some English Consonants. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 27(2) 338-352. Please join us in the Med Sci E conference room at 3:00 pm…Continue Reading Fan-Gang Zeng will present the Miller and Nicely (1955) classical paper, which derived information transfer from confusion matrices.

On September 17, Katie Turner presens Liberman and Mattingly (1989) A specialization for speech perception. Science

Is speech special? duplex perception and categorical perception: do they provide strong evidence for the speech special theory?  Liberman, A. M. & Mattingly, I. G. (1989). A specialization for speech perception. Science, 243, 489-494….Continue Reading On September 17, Katie Turner presens Liberman and Mattingly (1989) A specialization for speech perception. Science

HESP journal club on September 10: Lu presents Kuhl 1975 Science paper

On Thurs Sep 10 at 10:00 am Dr. Tom Lu will present: Kuhl PK, Miller JD. Speech perception by the chinchilla: voiced-voiceless distinction in alveolar plosive consonants. Science. 1975 Oct 3;190(4209):69-72. Please join us in the Med Sci E conference room at 10:00 am…Continue Reading HESP journal club on September 10: Lu presents Kuhl 1975 Science paper