Welcome to the Hearing Test!

UCI Hearing and Speech Research Laboratory: Gap Detection Experiment


Gap detection is a hearing test that measures your ability to resolve differences in time. In this test, you will hear three noise bursts, with one of them having a silent interval (“gap”) in it. Your job is to select the one with the gap by pointing and clicking your mouse button to the corresponding light. You should guess even if you are not sure and keep going until the program stops. Depending on your response, the gap may become longer or shorter or totally undetectable. The computer program will automatically track your response and calculate the smallest gap that you can detect. 

A normally-hearing person may detect 1-2 msec gap if the stimuli are presented at a comfortably loud level. On the other hand, a person with auditory neuropathy or other language/learning disorders may have a significantly greater gap detection threshold. 

Let’s first play the calibration stimulus to set the overall volume of your speaker or headphone at the maximally comfortable level. The test may last 5 to 10 minutes. Are you ready for the test? 

Contact Information:

Fan-Gang Zeng, Ph.D.
110 Medical Science E
Irvine, CA 92697-5320
Phone: (949) 824 9107
Fax: (949) 824 5907
E-mail: fzeng@uci.edu