Is speech special? duplex perception and categorical perception: do they provide strong evidence for the speech special theory? Liberman, A. M. & Mattingly, I. G. (1989). A specialization for speech perception. Science, 243, 489-494….Continue Reading On September 17, Katie Turner presens Liberman and Mattingly (1989) A specialization for speech perception. Science
HESP journal club on September 10: Lu presents Kuhl 1975 Science paper
On Thurs Sep 10 at 10:00 am Dr. Tom Lu will present: Kuhl PK, Miller JD. Speech perception by the chinchilla: voiced-voiceless distinction in alveolar plosive consonants. Science. 1975 Oct 3;190(4209):69-72. Please join us in the Med Sci E conference room at 10:00 am…Continue Reading HESP journal club on September 10: Lu presents Kuhl 1975 Science paper