Choroid plexus-based regenerative medicine
Johnson BA, Coutts M, Vo HM, Hao X, Fatima N, Rivera MJ, Sims RJ, Neel MJ, Kang Y-J, Monuki ES. Accurate, strong, and stable reporting of choroid plexus epithelial cells in transgenic mice using a human transthyretin BAC. Fluids Barriers CNS 2018;15(1):22. PMCID: PMC6094443; PMID: 30111340.
Watanabe M, Fung ES, Chan FB, Wong JS, Coutts M, Monuki ES. BMP4 acts as a dorsal telencephalic morphogen in a mouse embryonic culture system. Biol Open 2016;5(12):1834-1843. PMCID: PMC5200901; PMID: 27815243.
Barkho BZ, Monuki ES. Proliferation of cultured mouse choroid plexus epithelial cells. PLoS One 2015;10(3):e0121738. PMCID: PMC4376882; PMID: 25815836.
Lun MP, Monuki ES, Lehtinen MK. Development and functions of the choroid plexus-cerebrospinal fluid system. Nat Rev Neurosci 2015;16(8):445-457. PMCID: PMC4629451; PMID: 26174708.
Lehtinen M, Bjornsson CS, Dymecki SM, Gilbertson RJ, Holtzman DM, Monuki ES. The choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid: emerging roles in development, disease, and therapy. J Neurosci 2013;33(45):17553-9. PMCID: PMC3818536; PMID: 24198345
Watanabe M, Kang Y-J, Davies LM, Meghpara S, Lau K, Chung C-Y, Kathirya J, Hadjantonakis A-K, Monuki ES. BMP4 sufficiency to induce choroid plexus epithelial fate from embryonic stem cell-derived neuroepithelial progenitors. J Neurosci 2012;32(45):15934-15945 (Cover illustration). PMCID: PMC3505486; PMID: 23136431.
Cheng X, Hsu CM, Currle DS, Hu JS, Barkovich AJ, Monuki ES. Central roles of the roof plate in telencephalic development and holoprosencephaly. J Neurosci 2006;26:7640-7649. PMID: 16855091
Currle DS, Hsu CM, Cheng X, Monuki ES. Direct and indirect roles of CNS dorsal midline cells in choroid plexus epithelia formation. Development 2005;132:3549-3559. PMID: 15975937
Forebrain development and malformations
Grove EA, Monuki ES. Morphogens, patterning centers, and their mechanisms of action. In: Rakic P, Rubenstein J, editors, Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience – Basic and Clinical Mechanisms, second edition, Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom: in press.
Monuki ES, Golden JA. Midline Patterning Defects. In: Golden JA, Harding B, editors. Pathology & Genetics series, volume 4 (Developmental Neuropathology, second edition). International Society for Neuropathology (ISN) Neuropath Press, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1-119-01308-2: 2018.
Ligon KL, Monuki ES. Cerebral Heterotopia. In: Golden JA, Harding B, editors. Pathology & Genetics series, volume 4 (Developmental Neuropathology, second edition). International Society for Neuropathology (ISN) Neuropath Press, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1-119-01308-2: 2018.
Hong T, Fung ES, Zhang L, Huynh G, Monuki ES, Nie Q. Semi-adaptive response and noise attenuation in BMP signaling. J R Soc Interface 2015;12(107), pii: 20150258. PMCID: PMC4590514; PMID: 25972436.
Chinn GA, Hirokawa KE, Chuang TM, Urbina C, Patel F, Fong J, Funatsu N, Monuki ES. Agenesis of the corpus callosum due to defective glial wedge formation in Lhx2 mutant mice. Cereb Cortex 2015;25(9):2707-18. PMCID: PMC4537429; PMID: 24781987.
Striedter GF, Srinivasan S, Monuki ES. Cortical Folding: When, Where, How, and Why? Annu Rev Neurosci 2015;38:291-307. PMID: 25897870.
Srinivasan S, Hu JS, Currle DS, Fung ES, Hayes WB, Lander AS, Monuki ES. A BMP-FGF morphogen toggle switch drives the ultrasensitive expression of multiple genes in the developing forebrain. PLoS Comp Biol 2014;10(2):e1003463. PMCID: PMC3923663; PMID: 24550718.
Doan LT, Javier AL, Furr NM, Nguyen KL, Cho KW, Monuki ES. A Bmp reporter with ultrasensitive characteristics reveals that high Bmp signaling is not required for cortical hem fate. PLoS One 2012;7(9):e44009. PMCID: PMC3439469; PMID: 22984456.
McGowan L, Kuo E, Martin A, Monuki ES, Striedter G. Species differences in early patterning of the avian brain. Evolution 2011;65(3):907-11. PMID: 20825476.
Monuki ES. Forebrain Patterning: Holoprosencephaly (HPE). In Larry Squire, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, vol. 4, pp. 303-313, Academic Press, Oxford: 2009.
Hu JS, Doan L, Currle DS, Paff M, Rheem J, Schreyer R, Robert B, Monuki ES. Border formation in a Bmp gradient reduced to single dissociated cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2008;105:3398-403. PMCID: PMC2265170; PMID: 18292231.
Mangale VS, Hirokawa KE, Satyaki PRV, Gokulchandran N, Chickbire S, Subramanian L, Shetty AS, Martynoga B, Paul J, Mai MV, Li Y, Flanagan LA, Tole S, Monuki ES. Lhx2 selector activity specifies cortical identity and suppresses hippocampal organizer fate. Science 2008;319:304-9. PMCID: PMC2494603; PMID: 18202285.
Monuki ES. The Morphogen Signaling Network in Forebrain Development and Holoprosencephaly. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 2007;66:566. PMID: 17620982.
Monuki ES, Porter FD, Walsh CA. Patterning of the dorsal telencephalon and cerebral cortex by a roof plate-Lhx2 pathway. Neuron 2001;32:579-589. PMID: 11719201.
Monuki ES, Walsh CA. Mechanisms of cerebral cortical patterning in mice and humans. Nat Neurosci 2001;4 Suppl:1199-206. PMID: 11687830.
Stem cell and neuropathology collaborations
Ochaba J, Fote G, Kachemov M, Thein S, Yeung SY, Lau AL, Hernandez S, Lim RG, Casale M, Neel MJ, Monuki ES, Reidling J, Housman DE, Thompson LM, Steffan JS. IKKb slows Huntington’s disease progression in R6/1 mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2019; pii: 201814246. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1814246116. PMID: 31088970.
Yale AR, Nourse JL, Lee KR, Ahmed SN, Arulmoli J, Jiang AYL, McDonnell LP, Botten GA, Lee AP, Monuki ES, Demetriou M, Flanagan LA. Cell surface N-glycans influence electrophysiological properties and fate potential of neural stem cells. Stem Cell Reports 2018;11(4):869-882. PMCID: PMC6178213; PMID: 30197120.
Piltti KM, Funes GM, Avakian SN, Salibian AA, Huang KI, Carta K, Kamei N, Flanagan LA, Monuki ES, Uchida N, Cummings BJ, Anderson AJ. Increasing human neural stem cell transplantation dose alters oligodendroglial and neuronal differentiation after spinal cord injury. Stem Cell Reports 2017;8(6):1534-1548. PMCID: PMC5469937; PMID: 28479305.
Monuki ES, Anderson AJ, Blurton-Jones M, Cumming BJ. Response to StemCells Inc. Stem Cell Reports 2017;8(2):195-197. PMCID: PMC5312268; PMID: 28199827.
Marsh SE, Yeung ST, Torres M, Lau L, Davis JL, Monuki ES, Poon WW, Blurton-Jones M. HuCNS-SC human neural stem cells fail to terminally differentiate, form ectopic ventricular clusters, and provide no cognitive benefits in an immune-deficient transgenic model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Stem Cell Reports 2017;8(2):235-248. PMCID: PMC5312253; PMID: 28199828.
Mendez DC, Stover AE, Rangel AD, Brick DJ, Nethercott HE, Torres MA, Khalid O, Wong AMS, Cooper JD, Jester JV, Monuki ES, McGuire C, Le SQ, Kan S-H, Dickson PI, Schwartz PH. A novel, long-lived, and highly engraftable immunodeficient mouse model of mucopolysaccharidosis type 1. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 2015;2:14068. PMCID: PMC4449030; PMID: 26052536.
Wang RY, Monuki ES, Powers J, Schwartz PH, Watkins PA, Shi Y, Moser A, Shrier DA, Waterham HR, Nugent DJ, Abdenur JE. Effects of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency: a sibling comparison study. J Inherit Metab Dis 2014;37(5):791-9. PMCID: PMC4332804; PMID: 24619150.
Flanagan LA, Lu J, Wang L, Marchenko SA, Jeon NL, Lee AP, Monuki ES. Unique dielectric properties distinguish stem cells and their differentiated progeny. Stem Cells 2008;26:656-65. PMID: 18096719.
Chung BG, Park JW, Hu JS, Huang C, Monuki ES, Jeon NL. A hybrid microfluidic device for direct interfacing with wet cell culture methods. BMC Biotechnol 2007;7:60. PMCID: PMC2071914; PMID: 17883868.
Chung BG, Flanagan LA, Rhee SW, Schwartz PH, Lee AP, Monuki ES, Jeon NL. Human neural stem cell growth and differentiation in a gradient-generating microfluidic device. Lab Chip 2005;5:401-406. PMID: 15791337.