Category: News

Working from home.

Most lab members have started working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, we have papers to write, images to analyze, and remote access to computers (and this website to build). But we miss seeing each other 3-dimensionally.

Congratulations to Esmeralda Romero!

The lab celebrated Esme’s completing all the requirements for her Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering! Her thesis was entitled “Demystifying the Choroid Plexus.”

Congratulations Olga Jaime!

Olga, our former CIRM Bridges intern from California State University, Long Beach, and currently a Laboratory Assistant II in the lab, has been accepted to the Cellular & Molecular Biosciences Gateway PhD program here at UCI!

Congratulations to Michael Neel!

Michael was awarded a two-year t32 training grant fellowship from UCI-MIND entitled “Training in the Neurobiology of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease.”

NIA R21 grant awarded!

The National Institute on Aging funded our two-year project entitled  “Human choroid plexus epithelial cells derived from APOE isogenic iPSCs”

Congratulations to Haley Masters!

Haley was awarded the T32 fellowship in Stem Cell Translational Medicine for Neurological Disorders for her proposal “Functional and Transcriptomic Effect of APOE Isogenic Derived CPECs in Response to Amyloid Beta”.