Haley’s first-author paper, “Sequential emergence and contraction of epithelial subtypes in the prenatal human choroid plexus revealed by a stem cell model,” describing a decade of progress in developing and applying a human CPEC model system, has been uploaded to BioRXiv and is awaiting peer review.
Welcome Jackie! Welcome Jessie!
Jacqueline Do has joined the lab as a California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Bridges intern from CS Long Beach, and Jessie Nguyen has joined the lab as a California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Bridges intern from CS Fullerton.
Congratulations Dr. Haley!
Haley Masters successfully defended her PhD dissertation “Investigating the mysteries of human choroid plexus development in varying physiological states using pluripotent stem cells.” She will be staying on in the Monuki lab for a while, wrapping up exciting experiments and writing papers.
Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers!
Congratulations to Aarij Gora, Frances Goyokpin, Caren Yassa, and Keith Ray, all of whom now have received their Bachelor’s degrees!
Congratulations to Aarij, Frances, and Erfan Zolfaghari for being awarded Excellence in Research in Biological Sciences for their work in our lab!
Congratulations to Aarij, Frances, Erfan, Caren, Ashley Nguyen, and Juslyn Chan for successful presentations at the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Symposium!
Welcome to Sandra!
Sandra Girgis has joined the lab as a CIRM Bridges intern from California State University, Fullerton.
Welcome to Sophia, Congratulations to John!
Sophia Estrada has joined the lab as a CIRM Bridges intern from Cal State Long Beach. Our former intern, John Dy, has now been hired as a Laboratory Assistant II to continue his work on stem cell derivations.
Congratulations to our undergraduate researchers!
Sara Khan, Seong Won, Jessica Yeung, Cristina Martel, and Ben Tran were all awarded Excellence in Research for their independent projects, which they described in a paper and an oral poster presentation. Jessica was further honored with a Poster Award, and Seong was awarded the Robert Ernst Prize for Excellence in Biological Sciences.
Congratulations Victoria!
Victoria has been accepted to the Experimental Pathology PhD program and will continue on our stem cell team. In July of 2020, she joined us a CIRM intern from Long Beach State University, and then continued in the lab as a Laboratory Assistant starting in July of 2021.
Welcome John!
John Dy joined the stem cell team as a CIRM intern from California Sate University Long Beach on 9/13/21.
Welcome Yogesh!
Yogesh Kushwaha joined our group as a Laboratory Assistant II. He will be working on culture and differentiation of human iPSCs.