Assistant professor,
Department of Math, UC Irvine.
Office: Rowland Hall 540J
E-mail: angxiun at uci dot edu
Name pronounces “ang sh-you knee”
Chinese name: 倪昂修
I have moved to UC Irvine.
I and Stefano Galatolo solved the optimal response problem for hyperbolic systems.
I generalized the kernel-differentiation method to an ergodic version and a foliated version.
Brief description of Research
I compute the parameter-derivatives of averaged observable of in a dynamical system, which is typically chaotic / high-dimensional / small-noise. I gave the pointwisely defined linear response formula for hyperbolic system, making sampling possible. More specifically, the tools we developed
1. Fast response formula, equivariant divergence formula, and algorithms.
2. Ergodic and foliated kernel differentiation (or likelihood ratio) method.
3. Adjoint theories and algorithms, backpropagation under gradient explosion.
4. Non-intrusive shadowing algorithms.
I am also interested in dynamical system and probability and their interaction with all fields, such as fluids, geophysics, inference, data assimilation, and machine learning.
Curriculum vitae
I got my PhD from UC Berkeley math, did a postdoc at PKU BICMR, then worked as Assistant professor at YMSC in Tsinghua University, where I also served as Manager of undergrad affairs in Qiu Zhen College.
I am or was mentored by John Strain, Pingwen Zhang, Mark Pollicott, Jack Xin, Qing Nie, Long Chen.