Yunyao Graduates

Yunyao gave a brilliant talk at  her thesis defense on 22nd May, 2019. She will be moving to the east coast, at CSHL, to pursue her postdoc. Congrats Dr. Yunyao Xie and Good Luck!

Summer 2018

June: Good Luck to Nathan. He starts medical school at Stanford in the fall.

June: George, Lisha and Theresa receive 2018 SURP fellowships. Lisha also got 2018 UROP fellowship. Congrats Undergrads!!!

June:  Our lab receives Sue and Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center (SCRC) seed grant to fund “Drug screening on neurons with epilepsy-related SCN1A mutations by monitoring large-scale network activity with multi-electrode arrays.”

June: Yunyao ( pic- above) wins Fine Science Tools Graduate Travel Award. Congrats!

July: Alexa publishes a paper in Bio protocol. Congrats!

July: Karla joins the lab as CIRM Trainee. Welcome 🙂