
Koppman, Sharon, Beth A. Bechky, and Andrew C. Cohen. 2022. “Overcoming Conflict between Symmetric Occupations: How ‘Creatives’ and ‘Suits’ use Gender Ordering in Advertising.Academy of Management Journal. Vol. 65 (5), 1623–1651. PDF.

Broschak, Joseph P., Emily Block, Sharon Koppman, and Idris Adjerid.  2020. “Will We Ever Meet Again?  The Relationship between Inter-Firm Managerial Migration and the Circulation of Client Ties.” Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 57 (6), 1106-1142.  PDF.

Koppman, Sharon and Erin Leahey. 2019. “Who Moves to the Methodological Edge? Factors that Encourage Scientists to Use Unconventional Methods.” Research Policy. Vol. 48 (9), 103807.  PDF.

Leung, Ming D. and Sharon Koppman.  2018. ““Taking a Pass: How Proportional Prejudice and Decisions Not to Hire Reproduce Gender Segregation.” American Journal of Sociology.  Vol. 124 (3), 762–813.  PDF.

Koppman, Sharon, Elisa Mattarelli, and Amar Gupta.  2016. “Third World ‘Sloggers’ or Elite Global Professionals?  Using Organizational Toolkits to Redefine Work Identity in IT Offshore Outsourcing.”  Organization Science.  Vol. 27(4), 825-845.  PDF.

Koppman, Sharon.  2016. “Different Like Me: Why Cultural Omnivores Get Creative Jobs.” Administrative Science Quarterly.  Vol. 61(2), 291-331.  PDF.


Koppman, Sharon.  2015.  “In the Eye of the Beholder: The Stratification of Taste in a Cultural Industry.” The Sociological Quarterly.  Vol. 56(4), 665-694.


Koppman, Sharon, Cindy L. Cain, and Erin Leahey.  2015.  “The Joy of Science: Disciplinary Diversity in Emotional Accounts. Science, Technology, & Human Values.  Vol. 40(1), 30-70. Supplemental Video.


Koppman, Sharon.   2014.  “Making Art Work: Creative Assessment as Boundary Work.” Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media, and the Arts. Vol. 46(1), 1-21.  PDF.


Koppman, Sharon and Amar Gupta. 2014. “Navigating the Mutual Knowledge Problem: A Comparative Case Study of Distributed Work.”  Information Technology and People.  Vol. 27(1), 83-105.


Koppman, Sharon. 2014.  “Going for the Gold: The Effect of Competitive Socialization on Managerial Attainment.” Research in the Sociology of Work.  Vol. 25(1), 221-224.


Khabsa, Madian, Sharon Koppman, and C. Lee Giles. 2012. “Towards Building and Analyzing a Social Network of Acknowledgments in Scientific and Academic Documents.” Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 7227, 357-364.