Pilot Study for Screening to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Colorectal Cancer Screening among Chinese and Korean Americans
Project Funding: This study is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Project Background: Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer among Asian Americans. However, Chinese and Koreans Americans report lower colorectal cancer screening rates than among non-Latino Whites and African Americans. This is a serious concern considering that colorectal cancer screening can reduce deaths from colorectal cancer and can help save lives by finding cancer early when it is most treatable.
Project Aims: The aim of this project is to understand colorectal cancer screening behaviors among Chinese- and Korean- Americans, and to learn about barriers to and facilitators of colorectal cancer screening and strategies to increase colorectal cancer screening in these populations. This study is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Study Design (In-Depth Interviews & Focus Groups): We have conducted 17 key informant interviews and 12 focus groups to explore major findings. Our focus groups consisted of Chinese or Korean adults who were 50 to 85 years of age and had not been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Participants completed a brief survey and took part in a 1.5 to 2 hour focus group discussion on factors that inhibit and enable the receipt of colorectal cancer screening. Findings are being used to develop interventions to increase screening, incorporating culturally and linguistically appropriate strategies into health communication messages, community outreach and education, and environmental and system changes to increase screening rates among Chinese and Korean American population.