For the complete publication list, please refer to Xian Shi’s google scholar.
Selected journal publications
J. Crane, J. T. Lipkowicz, X. Shi, I. Wlokas, A. M. Kempf, H. Wang, Three-dimensional detonation structure and its response to confinement, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(3), 2915–2923 (2023).
P. Meagher, X. Shi, J. P. Santos, N. K. Muraleedharan, J. Crane, A. Poludnenko, H. Wang, X. Zhao, Isolating gasdynamic and chemical effects on the detonation cellular structure: a combined experimental and computational study, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39(3), 2865–2873 (2023).
J. Crane, X. Shi, R. Xu, H. Wang, Natural gas versus methane: ignition kinetics and detonation limit behavior in small tubes, Combustion and Flame 237, 111719 (2022).
K. Wan, X. Shi, H. Wang, Quantum confinement and size resolved modeling of electronic and optical properties of small soot particles, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(1), 1517–1524 (2021).
G. De Falco, G. Mattiello, M. Commodo, P. Minutolo, X. Shi, A. D’Anna, H. Wang, Electronic band gap of flame-formed carbon nanoparticles by scanning tunneling spectroscopy, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(1), 1805–1812 (2021).
J. Crane, X. Shi, J. T. Lipkowicz, A. M. Kempf, H. Wang, Geometric modeling and analysis of detonation cellular stability, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38(3), 3585–3593 (2021).
2020 and before
J. I. Ryu, X. Shi, J.-Y. Chen, Modes of detonation wave propagation in water vapor concentration gradients, Combustion Science and Technology 192 (10), 1910–1930 (2020).
J. Crane, X. Shi, A. Singh, Y. Tao, H. Wang, Isolating the effect of induction length on detonation structure: hydrogen-oxygen detonation promoted by ozone, Combustion and Flame 200, 44–52 (2019).
X. Shi, J.-Y. Chen, Numerical analysis and model development for laminar flame speed of stratified methane/air mixtures, Combustion and Flame 184, 233–245 (2017).
X. Shi, J. I. Ryu, J.-Y. Chen, R. W. Dibble, Modes of reaction front propagation and end-gas combustion of hydrogen/air mixtures in a closed chamber, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42, 10501–10512 (2017).
X. Shi, J.-Y. Chen, Y. Chen, Laminar flame speeds of stratified methane, propane, and n-heptane flames, Combustion and Flame 176, 38–47 (2017).
X. Shi, J.-Y. Chen, Z. Chen, Numerical study of laminar flame speed of fuel-stratified hydrogen/air flames, Combustion and Flame 163, 394–405 (2016).
X. Shi, R. Seiser, J.-Y. Chen, R. W. Dibble, R. Cattolica, Fuel-Dithering Optimization of Efficiency of TWC on Natural Gas IC Engine, SAE International Journal of Engines 8(3), 1246–1252 (2015).
X. Shi, J. Deng, Z. Wu, L. Li, Effect of Injection Parameters on Spray Characteristics of Urea-SCR System, SAE International Journal of Engines 6(2), 873–881 (2013).
Y. Liu, X. Shi, J. Deng, Z. Wu, L. Li, Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Knock under DI-HCCI Combustion Mode with Ethanol/Gasoline Mixed Fuel, SAE Technical Paper, 2013–01–0544, 2013.
J. Deng, X. Shi, Y. Liu, Z. Wu, L. Li, Experimental Studies on Knocking Characteristics of DI-HCCI With Gasoline/Ethanol Fuels, Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy 4(4), 367–371 (2013).
Y. Liu, J. Deng, X. Shi, Z. Wu, L. Li, Research on Cycle-by-Cycle Real-Time A/F Ratio Characteristics for Ethanol DI-HCCI Combustion, Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering 34(2), 1–6 (2013).