Prof. Zenyuk’s travel this summer

Prof. Zenyuk traveled to 8th International Electric Vehicle Conference in Edinburgh, hosted by Edinburgh Napier University and delivered lecture on “Design of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicles: From Fundamentals to System-Level Studies” on June 23rd, 2023.

Prof. Zenyuk took part in Joint Undertaking for an African Materials Institute (JUAMI) on June 24th to June 30th in Nairobi, Kenya, where she delivered lectures and participated in various activities associated with this electrochemistry school. It was her honor to substitute late Prof. Sri Narayan, who was previous instructor for this school.

In late July, Prof. Zenyuk was part of UCI delegation to Los Alamos National Laboratory, where she also delivered a tandem seminar with Prof. Diran Apelian to postdoctorate fellows at LANL as well as was involved in collaborative team building.

In August Prof. Zenyuk traveled to Boston area to visit industrial collaborators and have a project review. She visited AvCarb, Plug Power and Advent.