
Zhou (Joe) Li, (李洲)
Assistant Professor
University of California, Irvine
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Irvine, CA 92697-2625, USA
Office: 3227 Engineering Hall
My CV.

About openings: I am constantly looking for self-motivated PhD students and PostDoc researchers who have strong interests in system security and privacy. Visitors are also welcome. If you are interested, send me an email and please specify how your prior experiences relate to my research areas. Due to the volume of inquiries, my apology if you don’t receive my reply. 


– June 2024: Jiacen begins his intern at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center for the summer. Best of luck, Jiacen!
– June 2024:
My PhD #1 Joann Chen defended her dissertation and graduated! She’ll join SDSU as a tenure-track assistant professor. Best of luck, Joann!
– May 2024:
Invited to serve IEEE S&P’25 program committee. A milestone for me to publish papers and serve all top-4 security conferences 🙂
– May 2024:
IEEE Big Data Security Junior Research Award 2024. Many thanks to my group members, collaborators and nominators!
– April 2024:
Invited to serve NDSS’25 program committee.

Professional Bio

I am a tenure-track assistant professor in the department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science of University of California, Irvine. My research focus is system security.

Project Websites

Recent Research Areas & Interests

  • Domain Name System (DNS)
    • Protocol security [Security’18][CoNext’19][FOCI’20][NDSS’23][Security’23a]
    • Measurement [IMC’19][NDSS’21][SRDS’21]
    • Malicious domain detection [DSN’15][CCS’17]
    • Domain fraud [Security’14][Security’16][EuroS&P’19][SecureComm’18a][DSN’18][SecureComm’19]
  • Graph Security analytics (GSA)
    • Graph Neural Network (GNN) based anomaly detection  [Security’23b]
    • Efficient attack provenance  [Security’21]
    • Detection with web proxy logs [DSN’15][SecDev’16][ACSAC’16][ACSAC’18a]
    • Detection with end-host logs [RAID’17]
  • Privacy Enhancement Technologies (PETs)
    • Application of differential privacy (DP) [EuroSP’22]
    • Data stream DP [CCS’21a]
  • Security and privacy for machine learning
    • Model extraction attacks with side-channel [DSN’20][TIFS’21][ACSAC’22]
    • Data extraction [ACSAC’21a]
    • Adversarial perturbation [IJCAI’20][TDSC’22][DSN’23]
    • Education [EAAI’23]

Other Areas & Interests

  • Mobile security
    • Permissions [RAID’19][S&P’21a][CCS’21b]
    • Payment [Security’17][ACSAC’18b]
    • Obfuscation [SecureComm’18a]
    • Interrupts [S&P’16]
  • IoT security
    • Traffic analysis [AsiaCCS’20]
    • Bluetooth [NDSS’19]
    • Wearable [CCS’15]
  • Other side-channel analysis
    • Web applications [CCS’10][TWC’14]
    • I/O and CPU [S&P’21b][S&P’22]
    • GPU [PETS’17]

Experience & Education

2018-, Assistant Professor at UCI EECS
2013-2018, Principal Research Scientist at RSA Laboratories
2011, Research Intern at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Mentor: Yinglian Xie and Fang Yu
2014, Ph.D. in Computer Science, Indiana University Bloomington, Advisor: XiaoFeng Wang
2008, M.Sc. in Computer Science, Wuhan University, China
2006, B.Sc. in Computer Science, Wuhan University, China




You can also find me at Google ScholarDBLPResearchGate, SemanticScholar, LinkedIn and Twitter.