Invited Talks

  • The Road Towards Accurate, Scalable and Robust Graph-based Security Analytics: Where Are We Now
    – Amazon AI/Security Talks, July 2024
  • A Data-driven Study of Domain Registration Privacy under GDPR
    – UCI + UCLA Privacy Workshop, Jun. 2024
  • Stateful fuzzing for DNS resolvers and beyond
    – Google Fuzzing Talk, Feb. 2024
    – UCI IPN workshop, Apr. 2024
  • Where are the DNS bugs and how to capture them
    – UCR CS, Jan. 2024
    – Purdue CS, Oct. 2023
    – UCSD CS, Oct. 2023
  • Understanding the Security Risks from Malicious Bluetooth Peripherals
    – “Resilient Internet of Things” of UCI IPN workshop, Feb. 2023
  • Debugging the Fragmented DNS Infrastructure at Scale
    – USC CS, Mar. 2023
    – TAMU CSE, Feb. 2023
    – UCLA ECE 209AS, Feb. 2023
  • An End-to-End Large-Scale Measurement of DNS-over-Encryption: How Far Have We Come?
    DCAPS, DC, Dec. 2019
  • Towards a Trustworthy DNS Infrastructure – Why is it hard and where are we now?
    – Palo Alto Networks, Aug., 2019
    – Tsinghua University, June, 2019
  • BadBluetooth: Breaking Android Security Mechanisms via Malicious Bluetooth Peripherals
    – Qualcomm, San Diego, Mar. 2019
    – Inforsec RAID’19 workshop, Beijing, Sept. 2019
  • Big-Data Security Research Meets Enterprise: Challenges and Opportunities.
    – BU/MIT LL Cybersecurity Workshop, Boston, Jan. 2016
    – Baidu Inc., China, Apr. 2016
    – University of Massachusetts Lowell, Nov. 2016
  • Every Second Counts: Quantifying the Negative Externalities of Cybercrime via Typosquatting.
    – Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, Nov. 2015
  • Understanding and Detecting Malicious Activities in Internet.
    – Tsinghua University, China, Dec 2014
    – The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Jan 2015
  • Understanding and Detecting Malicious Activities in Web.
    – IBM Research, Apr 2013
    – RSA Labs, Apr 2013