
June 2024

– After a successful defense, Lucas is now Dr. Johnson! Congratulations Lucas!

May 2024

– A recent publication detailing a collaborative work between Pfizer and the Newman Group includes lab alumnus Philipp Roosen – nice work Phil!

April 2024

– Brandon Sarrels was awarded an Honorable Mention for the 2024 NSF GRFP – outstanding work Brandon!

January 2024

– Excited to announce our group has grown by two: Seamus Higgins and Theo Elvebak have joined the ranks of the Vanderwal Lab!

September 2023

– After a successful defense, Joe is now Dr. Capani! Congratulations Joe!

July 2023

– Congratulations on your successful defense, Dr. Bonnie Pak! Takeda is lucky to have you!

May 2023

– Scott’s synthesis of a complex analogue to brasilicardin A has been published in the nick of time. Scott, we look forward to your imminent defense!

April 2023

– Ryan, Hanh, and Michael have published their method detailing a stereoselective Birch reduction/alkylation protocol using esters of salicylic acid. Congratulations!

March 2023

– Our report describing a method for radical-based annulation using cobalt-catalyzed MHAT has been accepted for publication – congratulations to Lucas, Griffin, and Sebastian!

– Jono, Joe, Matthias, and Philipp published their syntheses of wickerols A and B – congratulations!

January 2023

– Natalie’s enantiospecific synthesis of isoneoamphilectane is out! Nice work Natalie!

– A big welcome to the newest members of the Vanderwal Lab: Matt Furry, Jonathan Iaconelli, Mira Milic, and Brandon Sarrels

November 2022

– Congratulations to Griffin and Allen for publication of their work using synthesis to investigate the biogenesis of alstonlarsine A!

– Excited to announce the arrival of postdoctoral scholar Dr. Ryan Barrett and our newest graduate student Franco Llamas!

September 2022

– To start the 2022-2023 academic year, it’s our pleasure welcome Julian David Bendix and Franco Alfonso Llamas to rotate in our lab.

– We are pleased to announce that Jose Medina successfully completed his 2022 summer research in our lab with his mentor, Lucas Johnson. We wish you the best for your next journey in your academic career.

June 2022

– We would like to send our warmest welcome to our new undergraduate researchers: Samantha Nguyen, Sebastian Fernandez, Amber Sheu, and Jose Medina.

April 2022

– Hanh Nguyen was awarded the 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Nice work Hanh!

January 2022

– Congratulations to Ryan on completing his Ph.D. Our lab sent the best wishes to Ryan for his new position at Turning Point Therapeutics, Inc.

December 2021

– Congrats to Natalie and Vincenzo on their recent publication on regioselective enolate formation!

– Congratulations to Lucas, Scott and Darius on their synthesis of plebeianiol A!

May 2021

– Congratulations to Darius for successfully defending his thesis!

– Welcome Philip to the group, our new first year graduate student!

March 2021

– Welcome to our new post-doc Fabian Hörmann!

January 2021

– The lab welcomes it’s newest member Hanh Nguyen!

– Darius and Ben published their total synthesis of the abietane diterpenoids!

– Bonnie and Jane published their review on syntheses and biological studies of the Lissoclimides!

April 2020

– Vincenzo and Philipp’s recent publication has been highlighted on the cover of Organic Letters!

March 2020

– Chris was awarded the Springer Heterocyclic Chemistry Award!

February 2020

– Vincenzo and Philipp have published their formal synthesis of the Pseudopterosins!

January 2020

– The lab has welcomed 5 new members into our ranks.  Welcome Joe, Jane, Lucas, Griffin and Bonnie!

– Darius’ cobalt-catalyzed polyene cyclization work was published in ACIE!

September 2019

– Matthias’ work on RNA editing with acrylonitriles was published.  Way to go Dr. Göhl!

July 2019

– Congratulations on defending your thesis Dr. Bryan Ellis!

– We would like to welcome our three new Postdocs: Jono, Milandeep, and Ramakrishna, our two new undergrads: Michael and Bilal, and our visiting student: Shun to the lab!

– Alex, Bryan and Phillip’s synthesis of 7,20-diisocyanoadociane was published!

June 2019

– Sharon has become Dr. Sharon. Congratulations Sharon!

– Sharon published her synthesis of Haterumaimides J and K. Great job Sharon!

January 2019

– The Vanderwal lab would like to welcome two new members to the lab.  Welcome Bonnie, and Scott!

December 2018

– 2018 was a great year for research funding for our group! We were awarded 3 NIH R01 grants—time to turn the dollars into papers!

August 2018

– Brian defended his thesis and is now Dr. Brian Atwood.  Congratulations!

April 2018

– Alex is now officially Dr. Karns. Congrats to Alex!

– Bryan and Alex published their polyketide surrogate for the study of polyketide synthase.  Good work!

December 2017

– The Vanderwal lab welcomes new first-year students Riley and Natalie. Welcome to the group!

November 2017

– Kathy, Darius, and Zef published their synthesis and stereochemical analysis of Pustulosaisonitrile-1. Nice work!

October 2017

– Bryan’s highlight of Hughes and Gleason’s synthesis of Virosaine A was published in Angewandte Chemie. Nicely written Bryan!

September 2017

– Chris and Seth Herzon put their shiny heads together to write an introduction to a natural products edition of Chemical Reviews. Good work!

August 2017

– Peter and Dmitriy published their progress toward Crotogoudin and Crotobarin. Nice work guys!

June 2017

– Alex and Ryan have published their methodology involving heterocycle formation from oxetane precursors. Congratulations guys!

May 2017

– Zef and Alex are now Dr. Konst and Dr. White. Congratulations!

April 2017

– Zef, Anne, and Sharon have published their research on the bioactivity of the lissoclimides in Nature Chemistry. Nice work!

– Brian has published a review on various strategic applications of alkene metathesis. Nice summary Brian!

– Mary Beth and Philipp have published a summary of isocyanoditerpene syntheses.

March 2017

– The Vanderwal lab welcomes Matthias as a postdoctoral researcher from Germany. Welcome Matthias!

– Chris has been awarded the 2017 A.R. Katritzky Junior Award in Heterocyclic Chemistry from the International Society of Heterocyclic Chemistry!

– Michael and Darius have been awarded NSF GRFP Fellowships! Congratulations!

February 2017

– Mary-Beth has published an investigation into the antimalarial properties of kalihinol fragments. Good work Mary–Beth!

December 2016

– The Vanderwal group welcomes three new graduate students – Glynis, Ryan, and Darius. Welcome aboard first years!

November 2016

– Spencer has published a study on the overexpression of Lon in high-grade gliomas. Good work Spencer!

– Allen has published a full article on the total synthesis of Alsmaphorazine B! Congrats to Allen!

September 2016

– Gregg has published a synthesis of exiguaquinol dessulfate. Good work Gregg!

August 2016

– Chris is named a 2017 ACS Arthur C. Cope Scholar!

June 2016

– Philipp(p) is now Dr. Roosen! He will begin work as a process chemist at Amgen. Congratulations Philipp!

– Mary Beth has successfully defended her thesis, and is now Dr. Mary Beth! She will begin conducting research as an NIH postdoctoral fellow in Tehshik Yoon’s Lab at UW-Madison. Time to buy a winter coat MB!

May 2016

– Philipp has published the formal synthesis of 7,20-diisocyanoadociane. Nicely done Philipp!

– Susanna Liang has joined the group as an undergraduate student. Welcome Susanna!

February 2016

– Alex White has trained bugs to produce bromosulfolipids, and published his results in Organic Letters. Congratulations Alex!

– Evan has published his progress toward ineleganolide. Good work Evan!

– Won-jin has published a review on stereocontrolled halogenation in Angewandte Chemie. Nicely done Won-jin!

January 2016

– Michael Freidberg has joined the group as a graduate student. Welcome Michael!

December 2015

– Zef, Sharon, Yvonne, and Anne have published the synthesis of chlorolissoclimide as part of a collaboration with the Alexanian group (UNC) in J. Am. Chem. Soc., with commentary in Synfacts. Congratulations!

–Gregg has defended his thesis, and will begin research as an NIH postdoc in the Fu lab (Cal Tech) in January!

–Carl is now Dr. Snarl, and will begin working in medicinal chemistry at Vertex!

–Michael Freidberg has joined the group as a new graduate student. Welcome, Michael!

October 2015

–Allen has accepted a position at Genentech. Congratulations Allen!

June 2015

–Allen Hong’s paper on the synthesis of Alsmaphorazine B is accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations, Allen!

–Reo Sato joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Reo!

May 2015

–Sean is awarded the 2015 Iota Sigma Pi Undergraduate Excellence in Chemistry Award (the national award!)! Congratulations, Sean!

–Sam Tartakoff is Dr. Tartakoff! And soon to be Professor Tartakoff! Congratulations on a successful thesis defense, Sam!

–Alex Karns’s paper on the mechanism of the formal dyotropic rearrangement of Himbert cycloadducts—a collaboration with the Houk group—is accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations, Alex, Hung, and Ken!

–Joey Carlson is Dr. Carlson! Congratulations on a successful thesis defense and on your postdoctoral appointment at Sandia National Laboratory!

April 2015

–Alex Karns and Sean Feng receive NSF Graduate Fellowships! Congratulations to you both!

–Kathy Dao joins the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Kathy!

–Guillaume Masson joins the group as a visiting researcher. Welcome to America Guillaume!

March 2015

–Mary Beth’s synthesis of kalihinol B has been published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, with a commentary in Synform. Congratulations, Mary Beth!

February 2015

–On the basis of Won-jin and Joey’s paper on the second-generation synthesis of three chlorosulfolipids, Chris was selected as The Journal of Organic Chemistry Outstanding Author of the Year!

January 2015

–Sam is soon to be Professor Tartakoff! He has just accepted a tenure-track position at St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY!

–Jon and Scott’s paper on our Zincke aldehyde approach to gelsemine is published in the Special Issue of Tetrahedron Letters honoring the memory of Professor Harry Wasserman.

December 2014

–Sharon Michalak officially joins our group! Welcome, Sharon!

–Bryan Ellis joins the Tsai–Vanderwal collaboration! Welcome, Bryan! You are not alone, Alex!

November 2014

–Chris is awarded the 2015 Craig Visiting Professorship at the Australia National University in Canberra.

October 2014

–Mary Beth earns a 2015 Allergan Graduate Fellowship! Congratulations, Mary Beth!

September 2014

–Carl’s paper on the Plocamium monoterpenes was chosen as a “Hot Paper” and is published in Angewandte Chemie!

–Visiting graduate student Michael Bau joins us from the University of Freiburg. Welcome, Michael!

August 2014

–Carl’s paper on the enantioselective synthesis of polyhalogenated monoterpenes from red algae of the genus Plocamium has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations to Carl and to our collaborators in the Valeriote and Gerwick groups!

–Jon defends his thesis! He’ll soon start the drive to Boston to postdoc in the Schrock group at MIT. Congratulations, Jon!

–Philipp’s paper describing interesting observations in his work toward 7,20-diisocyanoadociane is published in Organic Letters. Congratulations, Philipp!

July 2014

–Sharon Michalak joins the group for the summer. Another Canadian, eh?

–Evan defends his thesis! He’ll start his postdoc in the Baran group at Scripps in August. Congratulations, Evan!

June 2014

-Won-jin is soon to be Professor Chung!!! He’ll start at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in August. Congratulations, Won-jin!

-Mitch MIller joins the group as an undergraduate researcher, funded by Allergan for the summer. Welcome, Mitch!

–David receives the Pfizer–UCI Undergraduate Research Award in Organic Chemistry! He’s also decided on Vanderbilt for his MD/PhD studies in Chemistry, where he has earned full fellowship support for his MD studies. Congratulations, David!

May 2014

–Jon receives the Michael Zach Award for most promising future faculty member at the annual Lee Award Dinner. Much celebration ensued. Congratulations, Jon!

April 2014

-Brian receives an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! Congratulations!!!!

-Jon has accepted a postdoctoral position with Prof. Richard Schrock at MIT! Awesome!!!

February 2014

–Sam’s paper on the synthesis of the ABC ring system of the clionastatins is accepted for publication in Org. Lett. Congratulations, Sam!

–Won-jin and Joey publish their article in J. Org. Chem. on the second-generation synthesis of three chlorosulfolipids. Congratulations!

January 2014

Dave is now Professor Dave! Congratulations, Dave, on accepting a position at UC Riverside!

–Theo accepts a job at eFFECTOR Therapeutics in San Diego! Congratulations, Theo!

December 2013

–Welcome to new graduate student Alex Karns!

–Won-jin’s article describing the evolution of our group’s work on the chlorosulfolipidsis accepted for publication in Accounts of Chemical Research. Well done, Dr. Chung!

November 2013

-Gregg and Sarah’s paper on the synthesis of the tetracyclic core of exiguaquinol has been accepted in Org. Lett.! Congratulations, and thanks to Hung Pham and Ken Houk for their collaboration!

October 2013

-Jon’s paper on the mechanistic intricacies of ring-rearrangement metathesis of Himbert cycloadducts, a collaboration with the Houk group, is accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.! Congratulations, Jon!

-Welcome to new postdoctoral associate Dr. Diane Lim, who received her doctorate from Dr. Ed Anderson’s group at Cambridge, and is supported by a fellowship from A*STAR in Singapore!

September 2013

-Fellowships! Congratulations to Carl, who has been awarded an NIH NRSA Graduate Fellowship! Congratulations to Evan, recipient of a UCI Physical Sciences Dissertation Fellowship! Congratulations to Brian, who will be supported by a GAANN Fellowship!

August 2013

–Congratulations to Jon, who has earned an Allergan Graduate Fellowship!

–Congratulations to Dr. Professor Anne, who defended her thesis! Good luck in your new career at King’s College!

July 2013

–Welcome to Hung Pham from the Houk group, who is doing an internship with us!

June 2013

-Won-jin, Joey, and Dr. Karl’s paper on a very short synthesis of the chlorosulfolipid mytilipin A (hexachlorosulfolipid) has been accepted at Angew. Chem. Congratulations!

-Gregg has been awarded an NIH NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship! Congratulations, Gregg!

–Chris has been promoted to Professor of Chemistry, effective 1 July. Thanks to the whole group, past and present, for their hard work.

May 2013

–Congratulations to Mary Beth, Philipp, Carl and Joey for passing their advancement to candidacy exams!

April 2013

-Yvonne and Jon publish their collaborative studies with the Houk group describing the Himbert cycloaddition mechanism and expansion of scope in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

March 2013

–Congratulations to Yvonne, who has accepted a position at Vertex in San Diego!

-Congratulations to Anne, who has accepted a position as Professor Anne at King’s College in Wilkes–Barre, Pennsylvania!

-Welcome to Alex White, a new graduate students who will be working as part of the Tsai/Vanderwal collaboration!

February 2013

–We’ve received a new NSF grant to focus on complex molecule synthesis starting from readily available aromatic feedstocks (Zincke and Himbert chemistry)!

January 2013

–Welcome to new undergraduate student Sean Feng!

-Welcome to new postdoc Dr. Allen Hong, from the Stoltz group at CalTech!

December 2012

–Welcome to new graduate students Brian Atwood and Zef Konst! Get to work!

October 2012

–Yvonne and Jon’s paper on the metathesis rearrangement of Himbert cycloadducts is accepted in Org. Lett. Congratulations!!!

–Chris is invited to participate in the 2013–2014 Novartis Chemistry Lectureship Series, which will include lectures in Boston, Horsham (UK), Basel, Shanghai, and Singapore. Thank you, Novartis!

September 2012

-Chris is honored with the Society of Synthetic Organic Chemistry of Japan’s Lectureship Award. He presented his award address at the organizations 29th annual symposium in Shizuoka, and also visited Tokyo Institute of Technology, the University of Tokyo, and Teijin Pharma.

August 2012

–Welcome to summer students Chris Sanborn and Zef Konst!

–Congratulations to Allen Hong, our soon-to-be-arriving postdoc from Stoltz group, on earning an NIH NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowship!

July 2012

–The verb “to Vanderwal” has been kindly defined here. We largely like this definition, except for the racemic part. More enantioselective/enantiospecific syntheses coming soon…

June 2012

–Lucas graduates and moves on. Congratulations, Lucas!

–Spencer graduates and heads east to start graduate school at Scripps Florida!. Congratulations, Spencer!

May 2012

–Theo and Matt’s paper on the synthesis of echinopine B is accepted at Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations!

February 2012

–Dr. Theo Michels is our newest Ph.D.! Congratulations, Theo, and good luck during your postdoc at Scripps in the Boger lab.

–New paper in Chemical Science describing mechanistic aspects of the Zincke aldehyde cycloaddition reactions. Congratulations to Dave, and thanks to Hung Pham and Prof. Ken Houk for a great collaboration.

January 2012

–Welcome to new undergraduate David Liu!

December 2011

–Wecome to new graduate students Mary Beth Daub and Philipp Roosen!

–Welcome to the ANTBEAVERGLE!

November 2011

–Congratulations to Dr. Sarah Steinhardt, our newest Ph.D.! In the new year, Sarah will start her career as a process chemist with Bristol–Myers Squibb. Good luck in New Jersey!

–The epic full paper describing our work in the Strychnos area has been accepted for publication in J. Org. Chem. Congratulations, Dave and Lucas!

October 2011

-Congratulations to Dr. David Martin, our newest Ph.D. (not newest anymore)! Dave will head off soon to join the MacMillan lab at Princeton for a postdoc. Good luck in New Jersey!

September 2011

–Welcome to new postdocs Dr. Peter Mai from the Wolfe group at the University of Michigan and Dr. Won-jin Chung from LG and the Denmark group at the University of Illinois!

Perspective article on the development of our Zincke aldehyde-inspired chemistry is published.

August 2011

–Sarah accepts a job offer from Bristol–Myers Squibb! Congratulations, Sarah!

–Janine Tom joins our group for the end of the summer. Welcome!

July 2011

-Borja López joins the group for the summer from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Welcome Borja!

–Welcome to Jess Greger and Philipp Roosen, incoming graduate students who are joining our group for the summer!

June 2011

–Dr. Karl Bedke! Karl defended his thesis, and will move on shortly to Amgen South San Francisco with the entire family. Congratulations, Karl!

May 2011

–Dr. Yvonne Schmidt joins the group from the University of Freiburg (Prof. Bernhard Breit’s group) as a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow!  Welcome Yvonne.

April 2011

-Joey and Sam have both been awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships! Congratulations!!!

March 2011

-Jon has been awarded a graduate fellowship from NSERC (Canada)! Congratulations, Jon!

-Spencer has been awarded a summer internship position at Amgen Thousand Oaks—well done, Spencer!

-Karl has been selected to participate in the 2011 Roche Symposium: Excellence in Chemistry. Congratulations, Karl!

-Karl is this year’s Hal Moore Award winner! This annual award is for outstanding achievement in organic synthesis by a graduate student. Karl presented his award address at the 2011 UCI–Bristol–Myers Squibb Symposium on 2 March.

-Karl has also accepted a position at Amgen, to start this summer. Well done, Karl!

-March has been renamed “Karlmonth”

-Chris is named a UCI Chancellor’s Fellow, which includes a three-year research grant.

February 2011

-Welcome to four new graduate students: Joey Carlson, Gregg Schwarzwalder, Dmitriy Uchenik, and Carl Vogel!

-Chris is granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor, effective July 2011!

January 2011

-Dave’s paper describing his six-step synthesis of strychnine is accepted for publication in Chemical Science, with a commentary in Chemistry World.

-Our paper describing Sarah’s collaboration with the Houk group on the mechanism of pericyclic cascade rearrangements of Zincke aldehydes has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc.!

December 2010

-Grant defends his thesis, and prepares for his postdoctoral position in the Stoltz group at CalTech. Congratulations, Dr. Grant!

November 2010

–Chris is selected as one of this year’s Eli Lilly Grantees! Thanks to Lilly for their continued support of academic research, and congratulations to the other awardees!

October 2010

-Our Highlight Article on the chlorosulfolipids has been accepted for publication in Natural Product Reports. Congratulations, Karl!

September 2010

-Chris gives his “tenure talk” at UCI, followed shortly thereafter by some cold refreshments to help recover from the stress.

August 2010

-Matt’s full paper describing his work on terpene synthesis using allylsilane metathesisis accepted! Well done, Matt.

July 2010

-Our first Ph.D.!!! Congratulations, Dr. Matt Dowling!!! Good luck at Pfizer!

-Welcome to Spencer Wood, our new undergraduate!

-Gregg Schwarzwalder and Carl Vogel, incoming UCI graduate students, join the group for the summer. Welcome Gregg and Carl!

-Dave is awarded a BMS Fellowship. Congratulations, Dave!

June 2010

-Evan is awarded a two-year Dissertation Fellowship from the California TRDRP. Congratulations, Evan!

-Tim and Lindsay graduate! Congratulations, and good luck in graduate school!

-Congratulations to Theo, Matt K., and Aaron! Their paper in Organic Letters on theformal synthesis of the porothramycins has been accepted!

May 2010

-Sarah is awarded an Eastman Chemical Summer Graduate Student Fellowship! Congratulations, Sarah!

-Chris is chosen as a 2010 AstraZeneca Excellence in Chemistry Award winner. Thank you AstraZeneca!!!

April 2010

-Lindsay, who will graduate this spring, has chosen UC Santa Barbara for graduate school next year. Congratulations, Lindsay!

-Tim, who is also about to graduate, will be going to Stanford for graduate school. Congratulations, Tim!

-Grant has accepted a postdoctoral position with Prof. Brian Stoltz at CalTech. That happened quite a while ago, so a belated congratulations to Grant!!!

-Matt has accepted a position at Pfizer. Congratulations, Matt!

March 2010

-Sarah’s News and Views article on the Thomson group’s cool hydrazone-based convergent bond construction is published in Nature Chemistry.

-Dave’s Highlight article on Dixon’s great synthesis of nakadomarin A is published in Angewandte Chemie.

-Time to publish some of our original research…

February  2010

-Chris is awarded a 2010 A. P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship for the group’s work to date.

-Karl and Grant’s enantioselective synthesis of the chlorosulfolipid malhamensilipin Ais published in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

January 2010

-Grant’s collaborative results with the Gerwick group on the structure of the chlorosulfolipid malhamensilipin A are published in J. Nat. Prod. Congratulations!

December 2009

-NIH funding for the chlorosulfolipid project is official! Woohoo!

-Grant is awarded a UCI Dissertation Fellowship. Congratulations, Grant!

November 2009

-Matt Dowling is awarded a UCI Allergan Fellowship. Congratulations, Matt!

-Welcome to new graduate students Judy Suh and Samuel Tartakoff!

September 2009

-Matt Dowling’s paper on the use of ring-closing metathesis of allylsilanes to generate sesquiterpene natural products is accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

-New graduate student Jon Lam joins the group, bringing the number of Canadians in the group up to three!

August 2009

-Karl is this year’s recipient of an Eli Lilly Fellowship—Well done, Karl!

-Congratulations to Sarah for being selected as a finalist for the MJ Collins Award from CEM corporation!

July 2009

-Welcome to Sam Tartakoff, a new graduate student who is joining us for the summer!

June 2009

-John leaves the group for graduate studies at Boston University and Jacob leaves for graduate work at CalTech. Congratulations and good luck! You will be missed.

May 2009

-Sarah’s communication describing the pericyclic cascade reactions of Zincke aldehydes leading to polycyclic lactams is accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

-New group picture that includes Chris provided for your viewing pleasure.

April 2009

-Dave receives a graduate fellowship from NSERC (Canada). Congratulations, Dave!

-Karl and Grant’s communication on the structural elucidation, synthesis, and naming of the major chlorosulfolipid from Ochromonas danica is accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Congratulations!

March 2009

-Chris is selected as a recipient of a 2009 Amgen Young Investigator Award. Thank you, Amgen! And congratulations to all of the awardees.

February 2009

-Dave’s paper on the synthesis of the Strychnos alkaloid norfluorocurarine from Zincke aldehydes is published! Congratulations, Dave!

January 2009

-Karl’s News and Views article on Carreira’s chlorosulfolipid synthesis is published in Nature.

-Jacob and John’s paper on hydroxydichloride stereotriads is published in J. Org. Chem. Congratulations!

December 2008

-The group has earned an NSF–CAREER Award for our work on Zincke chemistry. Phew, things were getting tight.

-Dave is awarded the 2009 UCI Eli Lilly Fellowship — Congratulations, Dave!

November 2008

-New members Evan Horn, Scott Joseph, Ben Mendoza and Anne Szklarski join the group — welcome everyone!

-Jacob was awarded third prize in UT Southwestern Medical Center’s McKnight Award Competition. Congratulations, Jacob!

-The lab is awarded a Seed Grant from the UCI American Cancer Society–Institutional Research Grant.

September 2008

-Congratulations to Theo and Jong—their paper on the stannylation of Zincke aldehydes is in press for Organic Letters!

-Grant has been awarded a GAANN fellowship—congratulations!

August 2008

-Congratulations to Grant and Jacob for their paper on stereoselective chlorination chemistry!

July 2008

-Scott graduates with a Master’s degree, and moves back east to start at BMS. Congratulations, Scott! You’ll be missed.

June 2008

-Sarah is awarded a TRDRP Dissertation Fellowship—Congratulations, Sarah!

-Undergraduate Tim Blake joins the group as a Novartis Undergraduate Research Fellowship awardee. Welcome Tim!

-Tram Nguyen from Golden West College joins the group for the summer as part of UCI Chemistry Department’s NSF-funded Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Welcome Tram!

May 2008

-Congratulations to Sarah and Joel for their paper on the thermal rearrangement chemistry of Zincke aldehydes!

March 2008

-Our website gets a makeover thanks to iWeb. It’s too easy!

January 2008

-Vanderlab welcomes Matt Kier to the lab.

-Jacob receives a Jean Dreyfus Boissevain award. Yeah Jake!
-Pictures and bios have been added for the newest members of the Vanderlab. Check it out!

November 2007

-Kim receives UROP award for her current research. Gooooo Kim!

-Post doctoral researcher Jong Rhee has accepted a job at Kosan Biosciences in San Francisco. Good luck Jong! You will be missed.
-Vanderlab welcomes post-grad John Nguyen to the lab.
-Vanderlab welcomes Drew Dorshorst as the newest grad student to join the group.

July 2007

–Undergraduate Kim Caponera joins the group as an Allergan Undergraduate Research Fellowship awardee. Welcome Kim!

June 2007

–New UCI graduate student Drew Dorshorst from UW Madison joins the group for a summer rotation. Welcome, Drew!

April 2007

–Jacob receives prestigious Pfizer Undergraduate Research Award, which will support his summer research. Congratulations, Jacob!

February 2007

–Website overhaul

-Our group has grown—grad students Dave Martin, Theo Michels, Sarah Steinhardt, and Karl Bedke have joined the group. Also, undergraduate researcher Jacob Kanady has also joined the group. Photos finally posted.

November 2006

–Our first paper is now available online at the ACIE early view section.

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