Laboratory Location

Laboratory Steinhaus Hall Room 520 School of Biological Sciences, UCI, Irvine, CA 92697
Office Steinhaus Hall Room 520A (within lab) School of Biological Sciences, UCI, Irvine, CA 92697-3900 Email: b.morehouse [at] Phone: 949-824-4845
Prospective Students
If you are a graduate student interested in rotating in the lab or an undergraduate student looking for research experience, please email at b.morehouse [at] Please note that graduate students must already be accepted into the CMB graduate program at UC Irvine in order to join the lab. [CMB Graduate Program Primary focus- Structural biology, biochemistry, and biophysics; Secondary focus- Immunology and microbiology]
Prospective Postdoctoral Fellows
Please send an email to b.morehouse [at] with a cover letter describing your research interests and career goals, an updated CV including relevant publications, and contact information for three professional references.