Photos of lab goings-on

June 2024: Lab BBQ on the roof to celebrate all our recent successes and the end of the academic year!

June 2024: Daniel “shocked” that he got his first crystals!

June 2024: Eirene Marie was given her award at the BioSci Graduate Student Honors Banquet. Fancy!

April 2024: David is awarded for his presentation!

February 2024: Leap year lab bowling!

February 2024: Christy got crystals! (say that 10 times fast)

December 2023: Holiday party/gingerbread house building competition!

November 2023: Lab lunch birthday celebration/early thanksgiving.

September 2023: End of Summer hike followed by a beach bonfire!

September 2023: New merch drop alert! In celebration of our 1-year labiversary, gotta be branded mugs!

August 2023: Impromptu summer picnic on the roof otherwise known as girl dinner.

Summer sunsets in the lab.

July 2023: Intense staring from Milo. It’s hard to resist that face.

June 2023: First lab outing- mini golf!

April 2023: First lab bioinformatics session

April 2023: First official lab meeting! (on the roof!)

March 2023: Lab and office furniture arrived and it’s finally starting to feel like a real lab!

October 2022: First equipment arrives!

September 2022: Humble beginnings and renovations. Things will be looking different soon enough!

September 2022: First day on campus, checking out the new lab!

Summer 2022: Milo goes West! Cross-country trip from Boston to Irvine with plenty of hikes along the way.